CH 5: Mask Of Hate

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"mask magic?" Chamomile said in little over a whisper " I've never even heard of such an Arcane. " Melodias nodded, a look of unwavering and steely determination on his face. "Its an incredibly rare and dangerous magic, the subjugation of magical energy twisted in a way that can alter one's physical form. It's almost Dark Magic...not quite, but almost." Chamomile felt fearful, who was this? And why did they see Mr Rosewater and herself as big enough threats to use it?. Were they encroaching on the sacred lands that bordered Moonbayne on all sides, or was this some sort of initiation ritual for a list tribe?. Or; darker still, was this a hunt?...were they prey?.

Chamomiles stomach knotted and her hands became clammy at the thought of becoming food for some mysterious magical pariah. The raven masked Arcane came flying towards the two of them as Melodias positioned himself in front of Chamomile, his hands glowing with that same acidic and bitter looking green. "You are not going to be making food of us beast...I assure you" he rasped lowly "Way of Wood First Volume: Root Pry" the glowing green energy formed a web of entangling snare that forced itself under the mask of the figure, pulling it slightly from the true, hidden face of its wearer. The figure gave a tremendous and haunting screech, a wretched mix of a bird of prey in distress...and a frightened child.

Chamomile, now becoming distressed herself; placed her hand on Melodias' arm. "Please Mr Rosewater, you're hurting it...those screams mean you're hurting it" she said with a definite air of panicked compassion. Melodias nodded "You're my protecting you I allowed myself to become cruel" he tried to retract his vines but the distressed creature had already started to pull. There was a flash of white light before a blast of pure magical energy knocked all three of them to the ground. As Chamomile came too her eyes met the figure once more. Her breath hitching at the sight before her.

Elsewhere in the Forest:

Tripsy and Mahone had not long boarded off of the train from Saturn City, and were now making their way through the forest; the location that K.Love had determined that Chamomile Avice was in. Tripsy found herself incredulous, both at the mysterious accuracy of K.Loves claim of knowing exactly where Chamomile was, and of course at the fact that she was even to meet her at all. She had for a long time assumed that the daughter of Dandy Avice was off somewhere. No doubt a wildly powerful Arcane in her own right. But to hear that she was just a part of the coming and goings of the tiny, insignificant town of Moonbayne was startling.

Mahone dragged her heels somewhat, walking at a lack lustre pace at Tripsy's side. "Big sister Tripsy?..." she whined "I's confused, Bossman said Cammy was here for sure...but we get here and is not seeing her? What gives huh?" . Tripsy snapped away from her thoughts "I don't know Mahone, but he is seldom ever wrong, I'm sure we'll find her soon" she said softly. Mahone gave another huff but nodded "Gottsa trust Big Sister, she's super smart for sure." She said to herself. As they continued on through the forest they came across a woman sitting on a rock. Her sapphire robes gleaming in the sun. Tripsy almost swallowed her tongue. "Excuse me greatly if I'm wrong..." She spoke with a definite trepidation " But...aren't you Miss Blue Belladrina? High Arcane of Blue Waters?. "

Beladrina looked up, a smile curling to life of her lips as Mr Tatyltayl came to rest on her shoulder again. "I am indeed" she nodded softly " And with that stunning silver crop and those smoky eyes, you must be a relative of Coatsy Tatlock. " Tripsy nodded, a smile on her face. She had been a fan of Miss Beladrina's since her time at Saturn City's Magical Academy. Blue Beladrina was somewhat of a celebrity there, the girls at the academy viewed the High Arcane as the model witch. A paramount to strive for. "I am indeed Your Grace, she is my mother" Tripsy lowered herself into a curtzee as Beladrina giggled dismissively. "Oh so formal, you are obviously a girl of Saturn City's academy. And as such are blessed with such beautiful manners" her disarming flattery was well noted among both friends and foes of Blue, she had the ability to charm anyone into doing anything. It seemed to make them forget themselves, and their convictions.

Beladrina repositioned herself on her perch, now facing both of the women. "Oh, my manners have seemed to escape me somewhat; I hadn't noticed you had anyone with you" she smiled at Mahone "And you are, dear?" Mahone looked up, when her eyes came to meet Beladrina's she felt a sense of unease that was somewhat gnawing. "I's Mahone VanHelena Miss Bell..." She said nervously, staying positioned behind Tripsy "I's glad to meet you...for sure..." . The smile had not left Beladrina's face since the moment she had turned to Tripsy. "Please, the pleasure is most assuredly mine." . Tripsy's mouth was still agape, she couldn't quite believe she was mere feet away from her idol. "Am I right in saying that you inherited your Mothers Arcane Miss Tatlock?" She asked in that same cloying tone which was making Mahone more and more uneasy. Tripsy nodded " I did Miss, we both have the Devil Trigger Arcane" Beladrina nodded, twirling a lock of hair softly between her fingers. "I was always amazed by your Mothers magical prowess, she is an extremely gifted Arcane indeed Tripsy, as I have no doubt you are." Before Tripsy could answer, Mr Tatltayl began to caw. " Moon, Moon" he crowed incessantly as Tripsy snapped back to reality. "Oh heavens, am I keeping you from something Miss Beladrina?" She asked almost meekly. "Oh I do apologise dear, I have a silly meeting I need to attend but I do so hope I see you again" She said softly and made her leave, she hadn't had a meeting at all, she had to gleaned all the information she needed and now set out to enact the next part of her plan...

Melodias and Chamomile:

The mask had cracked almost in half, revealing a mess of jet black hair and the lightning blue eye of a scared child. Chamomile extended a hand to which the child backed up like a scared animal. Melodias shook his head "She won't come to you Chamomile, if she is what I think she is she's been taught to fear people like us". Chamomile looked at him "Whatever do you think she is Mr Rosewater?. Forgive my density but I see nothing but a scared child, perhaps one forced to fight against her will. The cracking of leaves and twigs caused the child to run into the treeline. As much as Chamomile would have liked to chase her, to find out who she was and who had forced her to wear that mask of hate, her attention was instead grabbed by the tall women and the smaller girl next to her. The talk woman wore a stern expression while the smaller was wearing one of muddled discomfort and confusion. "Miss Avice?" Tripsy said calmly, Chamomile nodded "I was wondering if we might have a chat?" Tripsy added, retrieving a notepad and pen from a satchel.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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