This is a quick intro

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So basically if you haven't ever read any Wattpad stories y/n stands for your name and l/n stands for last name
I kid you not prepare for terrible grammar,spelling, and characters not like the show.
Also feel free to make fun of misspelling I do it to my self all the time

Y/n l/n
You recently moved to megapolis a city in china. Your mom and and 2 brothers bid you farewell while your sisters made fun of you for never growing your wings. Although you never got your wing you still got your basic powers like healing and light magic. They might not be strong but at least you have them. You worked at a simple grocery store stocking items. The whole reason you moved here is to be close to your favorite cousin Mei. although she spends most of her time at Pigsy's noodles you still hang out at the arcade together.

What will happen to you, will ever get your wings?

So that was a rap up of the beginning. my first fanfic so it's going to be bad forgive me. some things to know-
Y/n (your name)
L/n ( last name)
Bf/n (best Freind name)
F/f (favorite food)
Ex/n (Ex names)
F/outfit (favorite outfit)
F/shoes (favorite shoes)

And now without further ado let's begin.

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