Head canons

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Sooo I haven't posted in a WHILE.

So some of these head cannons might not actually reflect redson from the actual show (has he ever in this book-) so bare with me

So the first head canon would probably be about his affection.
I see redson as the type to get flustered showing affection in public but will cuddle the hell out of you during alone time. He gets flustered easily. Usually his hair will spark and light up when he is embarrassed. He doesn't have an overly high sex drive but he can last a while.

Dates. His dates would probably be some where fancy. Only the best for his lover after all. 🙄 simp fr

He is very romantic, but sucks at it. He learned most of his romance from watching love shows.

He's just a shy baby, he want cuddles.

That's all I have no clue what else to put—

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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