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Name: Johannes, son of Odin
Nickname: Hans
Species: einherjar
Gender: male
Age: 11,627 (chronological), 36 (physical)
Height: 6'6"
Hair: black with white strands, shoulder blade length
Eyes: amber
Skin: tanned, scarred

Abilities: immortality/longevity - healing factor - impeccable battle strategy - enhanced senses, reflexes, speed, stamina, durability, strength, agility, intelligence and body temperature - black raven wings - empathy

Origin: somewhere in Northern Norway
Languages: (all) English, Norwegian
Parentage: Odin (father), Fjora (mother), Næor (step father)
Siblings: Ruk (older half brother), Edel (older half brother), Dular (half older brother), Eddan (older half brother), Einan (younger half sister)
Children: Rema Johannesdottir (daughter, deceased)
Love Interest: Emmett Cullen

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