Chapter 11

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(Kate's point of view)

When the door opened I saw a beautiful woman in her mid fifties open the door. She was wearing a plain burgundy shirt and light blue Jeans. She had the atmosphere of being one of those nice older lady's that would help you if you really needed to. She had some sugar on her hands like she was just baking and underneath the cuts were some scars from past cooking where she had messed up. She had the prettiest blue eyes.  The eyes were the first thing I noticed because they were so different from Amelia's emerald eyes. While I looked at her eyes she slowly looked in my direction.  As soon as she set her eyes upon me she smiled. I guess I had zoned out when they talked.

"Amelia, is this the friend you were talking about? She looks lovely. I didn't know i'd meet her so soon." Her mom said.

"Yeah mom this is the friend I was talking about when I called." Amelia answered.

"Come in come in, I want to see the cute pets. Have you named them already?" Her mom said as she trailed off from the subject like she was waiting for something.

"No," Amelia and I said as we entered.

The house was beautiful inside. It had white brick walls and beautiful tile flooring. The kitchen had marble counters on them and the house didn't have the slightest amount of dirt in it. The walls had family photos and the fridge had child art on it. As I looked around I noticed that Amelia did have a family home and it was here. Before i felt bad that she didn't have a childhood but now i realize she hadn't opened up to me before. As I looked around I wondered if she had shown this place to anyone else. How many others has she opened up to or was she waiting for me this whole time?

"Well I'm sure you guys will find names for them soon. Maybe later tonight you can think of names." Her mom said with a smile.

"Yeah, once we settle in I'll pick names out with Kate." Amelia said softly. She had that same smile on her face like her mother shown earlier.

"I was just cooking some cookies. Maybe you should go to the room and set your stuff down real quick. I'll be in the kitchen cooking if you need anything. Be sure to show Kate around." The older woman said. She had already caught on to what was happening.

After that Amelia took me to the bedroom. I suspected Amelia to be perverted but she wasn't. Amelia simply helped me unpack the few items we had and let the pets out of the cage. I realized only then that I was probably the pervert. I mean I was the only one thinking of kissing Amelia at the moment. It was hard to tell what I wanted out of Amelia. However it was starting to become more clear of what I wanted. I wanted to be with Amelia as lovers.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I looked up to see big emerald eyes looking down at me. Amelia's was definitely taller than me and it showed. I observed her close eyes for a moment before I got some courage. I leaned up and connected my lips to Amelia's lips. I started to deeply kiss her as warm tingles spread throughout my body. I blushed softly as I felt the strange effects this kiss had on my body. I had goosebumps from head to toe. Every part of my body was hot and tingled. My heart felt like flowers blossoming. When I pulled away I longed for more.

When I pulled away I kept my eyes closed for a second. I then looked over to Amelia who had a pink tint on her cheeks. For someone with such a tough personality it was easy to make her blush. She probably would never admit she was blushing either. Her blush actually made me blush as well. I didn't even realize that I hadn't talked for awhile. I was enjoying this quiet moment with Amelia.

"Well that was unexpected. I was going to ask you if you were okay. You seemed to be zoning out a lot. Is something bothering you?" Amelia asked softly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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