Chapter 6: A sirens song

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Dean woke up to hear Sam speaking to someone on the phone. He looked across from him to see (y/n) still asleep on the sofa.

"Yeah. No, that's what I'm telling you. No storm, no bad crops, nothing. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Okay, we'll keep looking. You keep looking too,okay? Alright. Talk soon"

As soon as he heard him nearing the end of the call, he quickly laid back down and pretended to be asleep.

Sam approached the bed his brother was in and nudged his leg with his shoes.

"Hey. Up and at them, kiddo"

Dean pretended to wake up and proceeded to rub his eye.

"You're up early. What were you doing?"

"Nothing. I was in the can"


"Yeah. You want me to draw you a picture?"

"No, I'll pass"

The eldest Winchester ribbed his face with his hand as Sam talked about finding a job in Bedford, Iowa, where a guy beat his wife to death with a meat tenderiser. They woke up (y/n) and packed their stuff before setting off to their next job.


Dean made his way towards Sam and (y/n) but his eyes were mainly focused on the stripper's around him. 

"Any luck?"

"No. You?"

"A little. just talked to Bobby, we officially have a theory"

Sam said as he looked at his brother, as he covered his son's eyes with his hand.

"What's that?"


Dean turned his head to look at his brother.

"Like Greek myth siren? The Odyssey?" 

Sam looked at his brother with a shocked expression.

"Hey, I read"

"Yeah, actually. But the siren's not actually a myth. It's more of a beautiful creature that preys on men. It entices them with their siren song."

"Let me guess, "welcome to the jungle"? No,no. Warrant's cherry pie"

He joked as he looked at one of the dancers on stage.

"Their song is more of a metaphor, like their call, their allure, you know?"

"So they shake their thing, the guy zombies out?"

"Basically, yeah. Sirens lived on Islands. Sailors I would chase them, completely ignoring the rocky shores and dash themselves into pieces."

"Sounds like Adam and his buddies"

"Yeah. If you were siren in '09 looking to ruin a bunch of morons where would you set up shop?"

The two looked around and agreed that it was an ideal place for the siren.

"So whatever floats the guys boat that's what they look like?"

"Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds.they see what you want most and they can cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion"

"So it can all be the same chick? Morphing into different dream girls?"

"Yeah, actually. Probably. Siren are usually pretty solitary."

"How do we kill it?"

"Bobby's working on it. Even if we figure that out-"

"How the hell are we gonna to find it? It could be anybody"

Demon spawn (supernatural X demon male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat