Chapter 16: changing channels

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Dean sat at the end of the motel bed, watching the TV intently as two people were making out.

"What are you watching?"

Sam asked as he did up the buttons on the cuffs of his shirt before fixing (y/n)'s tie as it was crooked.

"Just some hospital show. Dr. Sexy, M.D. I think it's based on a book."

Sam breathed out a laugh.

"When did you hit menopause?"

"It's called channel surfing. You ready?"

Dean stood up and turned off the television.

"Are you?"


After the wife of the victim said that her husband was killed by the incredible hulk, they returned back to the motel.


Sam greeted as he entered the room as Dean and (y/n) were sat at the table reading any information they could find on the victim.

"Find anything?"

"Well, I saw the house."


"And there is a giant eight foot wide hole where the front door used to be. Almost like, uh..."

"A Hulk sized hole?"

"Maybe. What do you got?"

"Well, turns out that Bill Randolph had quite the temper. He's got two counts of spousal battery, bar brawls...and court ordered anger management sessions. You might say you wouldn't like him when he's angry."

"It's a bit ironic, actually."

(Y/n) commented with a smile as he shrugged his shoulders, Dean chuckling lightly at what he'd said.

"So a hothead getting killed by TVs greatest hothead. Kind of sounds like just desserts, doesn't it? It's all starting to make sense."

"How is it starting to make sense?"

"Well, I found something else at the crime scene. Candy wrappers. Lots of them."

Sam dropped them into the table and Dean picked one up.

"Just desserts, sweet tooth, screwing with people before you kill them. We're dealing with the trickster, aren't we?"

"Sure looks like it."

"Good. Been wanting to gank that mother since the mystery spot." 

"You sure?"

Dean looked at Sam like he had grown three heads. (Y/n) grabbed the candy wrappers to put them in the bin so they weren't just sitting there making a mess.

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"No, I mean, are you sure you wanna kill him?"

"Son of a bitch didn't think twice about killing me a thousand times."

"Wait, he did what?"

The halfling spun around. He had no idea about what happened at the mystery spot. Sam didn't like talking about it and he had stopped the boy from reading the supernatural book about it.

Despite hearing him, Sam just carried on talking to his brother.

"No, I mean, I'm just saying."

"What are you saying? You don't wanna kill him, then what?"

"Talk to him?"


"Look, think about it, Dean. He's one of the most powerful creatures we've ever met. Maybe we can use him."

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