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"This one is a real slobber knocker folks," Good Ol' Jr said, as he sat at the announce table talking with his broadcast partners, "You're right about that Jim. These two women are really going at it."

Jasmine Scott and Kelani Williams. Now from this angle, it may seem like they hate each other...

"YOU'LL NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME." Kelani yelled, before delivering a hard slap to Jasmine, getting an echo through the arena. Jasmine held her cheek, beginning to taste blood from the side of her mouth. She rolled out the ring, taunting the fans behind the barricade as they delivered their reactions. She raised a middle finger to them, earning an even louder chorus of boos.

"I hope she trips down the stairs." Jim insulted. "Get your business done in the ring, Kelani." He said with an annoyed tone.

As if she could hear him, Kelani turned her attention back to the her opponent only to be hit by Jasmine's extremely impactful, suicide dive. She held her ribs, trying her best to get the upper hand in this match again.

Jasmine wobbled around a bit, trying to find anything to use for her advantage. She lifted the ring skirt, smirking to the camera, as she pulled out a table. The crowd erupted, as she slid it into the ring, with Kelani right after. Jasmine picked up a half bent kendo stick, targeting Kelani. Her eyes went wide, and she put her hands up in a prayer, "DON'T HIT ME. PLEASE. I'M SORRY. TRUCE? TRUCE? TRUCE—"

Jasmine cracked the side of her arm, sending a shock of pain through her. She screeched, before attempting to get up and only getting another crack in return.

"It must be Jasmine's birthday, cause she's hitting Kelani like she's a piñata." Excalibur snarked. Tony laughed, "Good one."

After more shots, Kelani laid in the middle of the ring, welts already beginning to form. Jasmine sat the table up, feeding into the crowd's energy. She quickly laid Kelani on top, before climbing to the top rope, then delivering a beautiful 450° splash.


Now, if you took off the wrestling gear, and got rid of the bigger than life personas Jasmine and Kelani would know they've been inseparable since they met.

Kelani waited until Jasmine got through the curtain, pulling her in for a bone crushing hug. "You. Were. Incredible." Jasmine whispered over and over, out of breath.

"No, you. Next best thing." Kelani winced, as she began to feel her adrenaline return back to normal. "You may have cracked every single one of my ribs though..." Jasmine gasped, before stepping back, "I am so sorry." She took her finger and poked her side with a bit of pressure.



"Wasn't you abolishing me with that kendo stick ENOUGH?" Kelani rubbed her side, "I'm not driving anywhere tonight. Someone else better take the wheel."

Jasmine laughed at her best friends' reaction, "I think Ang, or Matt are in charge tonight, so neither of us have to worry about—Oh!"

Daniel Garcia had crept behind the two, pulling Jasmine into a hug from behind. "I could watch you wrestle for hours." He told her, as she tried her best to turn around. He loosened his grip, before turning her around to deliver a kiss.

Kelani rolled her eyes before looking away. Don't get her wrong, she loved Garcia and Jasmine to death, and she was nothing, but happy for them, but Kelani Williams did not do relationships.

"Hello! Earth to Kelani!" Garcia snapped his fingers, making her turn her head, "I'm sorry? What?"

"I said, you did great out there, punk" He lightly punched her shoulder. "Thanks, that means a lot coming from you." She winced.

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