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It was the afternoon before Rampage. Kelani, Jasmine, Daniel and 2point0 were all setting up their tables for a meet and greet.

The list was released the day before, Kelani, Jasmine, Daniel 2point0, and finally, Hangman. They would be there that whole afternoon. And Kelani was absolutely terrified. She tried to avoid him as best as he could, talking to everyone, but Hangman the whole time.

Every time he would attempt to talk to her, she would claim she "needed more photos for autographs" or that she was "dehydrated" despite having full bottles of water right behind her. "Just talk to him." Jasmine said, following Kelani to get markers before they let fans inside. "I will! But then I'll have to tell him why I ran away and- I don't know." Kelani grabbed a silver and a pink sharpie, Jasmine grabbing purple and green.

They were walking back, Kelani almost at her table, when Jasmine pushed her over to Hangman. Kelani looked at her wide-eyed, and he jumped, "Jesus! You scared me! I barely even heard your footsteps."

Kelani shot a glare to Jasmine, before turning back to Hangman, "I'm...sorry about running away the other day. I just get really nervous about those kinda things and I guess cardio was my best excuse." She looked down at her feet, ashamed.

"Well I'm glad that's what it was. I thought I had bad breath or something," Hangman laughed, "So...your number?" Kelani smiled, "Yeah it's..."

Jasmine watched the pair exchange numbers, giving Kelani a big thumbs up as she walked back over.

The meet and greet soon started, fans lining up to meet everyone. Kelani talked with a younger fan, Daniel and 2point0 were having a heated discussion with a fan wearing a Sammy Geuvara shirt, and Hangman snapped a picture with a family.

Jasmine signed a young girl's shirt, waving goodbye as she looked over to her friends. She turned to her left to see Hangman, who was now staring at Kelani, while his line was empty (for now).

Jasmine smirked, she looked over at Kelani, who was absolutely clueless to Hangman's staring while she flipped off a guy while taking a picture.

Jasmine made sure no one was going over to her line, and walked over to 2point0 and Daniel. Daniel kissed Jasmine on the cheek, "Hey babe, look at this IDIOT with a Sammy shirt in MY LINE!"

The fan walked away, finally getting his autograph, before she pulled Ang and Matt into the conversation. "Hangman has got it for Kelani so bad. He's been staring at her since this meet and greet started."

Jasmine quickly rushed back to her line, more fans coming in. Kelani was signing autographs and when Daniel, Angelo and Matt looked over, sure enough, Adam was practically drooling over Kelani. He didn't even notice that fans were lining up in front of him.

"Oh HELL no." Matt said, Angelo put his hand on his tag partner's shoulder, "Matt! Don't do anything."

"This SWINE is looking at my PRECIOUS KELANI," Matt yelled at Angelo before back to Hangman, "AYO HANGMAN! EYES OFF MY DAUGHTER YO! SIGN THOSE AUTOGRAPHS!"

Daniel laughed before joining, "HANGMAN HAS A LITTLE SCHOOL CRUSH ON KELANI!! OOOOOO!"

Kelani snapped her head at her "family", cheeks hot. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she was in the middle of a meet and greet, so her anxiety attack would have to wait till later.

Hangman gulped, giving a quiet hi to the fan in front of him.

"This is weird, but can I get a picture with you and Kelani? You two are my favorites."

Hangman tried to object, but Kelani walked over, fans out of her line for now, "Sure! You can be right in the middle!" The fan beamed, putting down the gifts he had for the two of them. Hangman smiled at Kelani, before turning towards the camera.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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