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Chapter 1


'it's morning...' i groaned as the sun shines into my room, I got up and did my boring morning routine and changed into my school uniform, after I was done i went to my brothers room, once i got to his room he usually is always still sleeping but today looks like he decided to get early.
"You finally decided to get up early" I said while I leaned against the door, "yeah yeah I felt bad for making you wake me up everyday" He said standing up and grabbing his bag "come on, we don't wanna be late don't we?" He said while dragging me downstairs, "yah! I can walk you know!!" I said while he still dragged outside the house we both live in to the entrance of the school.

When they got to they're class room...

"Ow! Hyung!! let go off me!"
I said while hyun-woo dragged me into our classroom, everyone looked at us as hyun-woo finally let's go of my wrist, "fuck you hyun-woo.." I said glaring at him "I love you too little brother" he said ruffling my hair, "yah! Hyun-woo! We're here too you know!!" Gwinam said crossing his arms "yeah yeah whatever you can have your precious cheongsan back you whiney bottom" hyun-woo said smirking I hit his shoulder while walking to my desk,

We were talking with our friends when Ms. park came in the classroom telling us to pay attention cause we are having a test tomorrow of course everyone whined because we don't want to do a fucking test, it's Monday Ms.Park! Monday why tell us that today! Anyway namra was unsurprisingly not disappointed that we literally have to do a test tomorrow!

After class... (I'm lazy leave me alone)


After class everyone immediately went to the cafeteria while I stayed In the classroom since I don't eat lunch that much but of course cheongsan being the little brother that he is, he came back and leaned against the door while raising a brow, " you know the drill hyun come on, I'm not going to eat lunch without you" cheongsan said while walking towards me and grabbing my hand, "cheong I already told you I skip lunch plus you know I have to train the archery club" I said while trying to keep up with him, "you can do that later, I told hari you skip lunch and she told me that the archery club can wait plus she also said the whole group has something to do" cheongsan explained while finally letting go of my hand when we reached the cafeteria, "come on, the others are waiting" he said while he entered the cafeteria I followed behind him.

When they got their food..
(15 minutes later..)
"Hey hyun-woo" I heard suhyeok call my name so I looked up at him and said "yeah?" I said to suhyeok who looks like he was sunburned for hours, "say why do you-" suhyeok was cut off by screaming, we looked at the place where we heard screaming, I watched in horror as a student bit another, I got extremely worried because cheongsan left the cafeteria with gwinam, everyone was running around and bitting each other, "SUHYEOK GET NAMRA OUT OF HERE AND FIND SOMEWHERE TO HIDE GO!!!" I yelled while kicking and hitting who acted like that student "what about you?!" Suhyeok yelled grabbing namra's hand keeping her close, "I'll be fine!! Just go!" I screamed and looked at him, he nodded and left through the open window I looked around for anyway to escape, I saw the entrance of the cafeteria clear so I took the opportunity to run out the cafeteria, but before I could, the sprinklers turned on and now the whole place is soaked, I wasted no time and left the cafeteria,

I ran to the courtyard but people blocked the entrance of it, before I could get away a student jumped at me, I tried to block it's mouth from biting me, but it didn't work...


I Screamed as the student bit me I grabbed a nearby rock and Bashed it against the head of the student, I quickly got up and ran into the school I quickly dodged the students that jumped at me, I ran to the second floor of the school I looked around looking for a place to hide, "HYUN-WOO!" it was suhyeok.. I looked to where I heard him, "over here! Hurry!!" I saw suhyeok and ran to the classroom he was in. Once I was inside I was relieved to see cheongsan and all of my friends, "hyun-woo! We're so glad your here!" Eunji said and everyone agreed, "brother! You're okay" cheongan said, I was sad that he thought I was okay.. even though I was bitten.. cheong tried to walk towards me but I stopped him, "stop.. don't come near me..." I said panting I didn't want to hurt my friends or my brother... "What?..why?" Cheongsan said confused and worried, I saw everyone was also worried and confused, that's when they saw me covering my arm, "h-hyun-woo?.." onjo said not believing what she's seeing, "no... It's just a cut right..? Please hyun-woo please tell me it's just a cut..." Eunji said who was being held back by onjo and gwinam, tears fell from my eyes as I showed them the bite, everyone looked in shock I know they don't want to lose me, and I don't want to lose them.. "no.. it can't be... Y-your.... Your gonna be okay right..?" Cheongsan said while holding my hand, I shake my head trying not to cry, "I'm sorry cheongsan... I really am.. but i can't stay here for long..." I said, all of them didn't want me to leave, but we know what happens when someone is bitten...

Time skip to when everyone decided to keep hyun-woo in the room


All of us were just looking at hyun-woo who was sitting in the corner of the room, we were sad that hyun-woo was bitten, and we hope that he doesn't turn into a zombie.. it was a pain for cheongsan to know that he can't go near his brother or have to witness him turn into a monster... It's been hour since hyun-woo was bitten and he looks completely fine.. after a while hyun-woo stood up and looked around as if he was looking for something "guys we have to go..." All of us looked at hyun-woo slightly confused "why?" Namra said who was standing next to the window "zombies are running towards us! We have to run!!"


Okay that's for this chapter finally!! Also I will be updating storys every Friday so yeah! I hope you guys enjoy!!!

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