Mitch Rapp - Cold

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Mitch wasn't known for being the most affectionate person in town, he didn't like any type of affection at all actually. Sometimes you felt like he didn't like you as much as you liked him. You were the one who asked him out after all, and he didn't seem all that enthousiast to go out with you, more like he felt the need to say yes because he had no other choice.

It hurt you, of course, but there wasn't something you could do about it. You didn't want to force him to do anything he didn't feel comfortable with, but you guys had been together for almost three months and he still hadn't shown any type of love for you. It broke your heart a little.

You were walking through the busy streets with Mitch, on your way to your regular coffee shop for some hot chocolate. It was winter and cold so you couldn't wait to get your hands on it, you didn't know how Mitch felt but he didn't sound too excited over the phone. Maybe you should have gone alone.

You watched couples walk by, hands joined, with envy, why couldn't you have that? What were you doing wrong? You quickly glanced at Mitch who was staring blankly at the ground, and sighed quietly.

When you finally arrived at the coffee shop, snow had begun falling. You were pretty excited to go play in the snow but wanted to get your hot chocolate first, also you didn't see Mitch making a snow angel or holding a snowball fight with you. You both walked inside the shop and took a seat by the large window. You kept your eyes on the snow that was falling pretty heavily.

You ordered a hot chocolate and Mitch a dark coffee, and waited for it to come. It wasn't an awkward silence, more uncomfortable because you wanted to talk but weren't sure if Mitch would appreciate that.

When your drinks came you quickly took a sip and smiled lightly, it was delicious. Normally, when the two of you went out, you offered Mitch a sip of your drink, but not this time. You didn't want to make him irritated or anything. You didn't want to ruin the first day of real snow.

Mitch on the other hand felt slightly disappointed that you didn't give him a sip of your drink. He knew it was his own fault, never doing things for you or showing affection, the problem was that he simply didn't know how. He never had a good childhood, with his father leaving and a very distant mom he didn't have a clue how to make someone feel loved or be loved by someone. He was afraid to do it wrong, to mess it all up, but he knew he needed to do something before you got enough of him and left.

He really did love you and was elated when you had asked him out, he just didn't know how to show it, he felt awkward doing it. He always saw you looking at other couples with burning envy and wished it would come as easy as with them. But he knew what to do, baby steps.

Mitch reached out to your hot chocolate and quickly took a sip humming, before giving it back to you. Your cheeks had warmed up, you just knew they were bright red. This was the first thing he ever did and you were very happy, Mitch was too when he saw your pink cheeks and slight smile. You almost giggled out loud when his ears turned a bit red too.


The walk home was peaceful. The snowstorm had calmed down and now there was just a thick layer of snow left with sometimes some footprints on it. You were telling Mitch about your new, and favorite, book and he seemed to listen very intently, you didn't know why but you liked it.

Mitch was making mental notes about the book and made up his mind to go buy the book himself so he would know what you were talking about. He found it endearing how passionate you could talk about your books. He was also working up the courage to hold your hand. He knew you wanted him to, badly, but he was scared.

He took one deep breath and quickly tangled his hand in yours. You went silent for a moment, and Mitch got a bit anxious, but then you gave his hand a tiny squeeze and smiled. A big smile that could light up any room. If Mitch knew he would have seen you smile like that he would have done that way earlier. He knew he made the right decision and couldn't be happier about it, a small smile made its way onto his normally blank and bored face making you practically glow.

You began talking again, but Mitch could only focus on your bright, $1000, smile.


It was a couple days later and you were happy to see the change in Mitch's behavior towards you. He held your hand more, didn't answer with short comments but with full sentences and was more affectionate. You were over the moon.

Laying on his bed, you were watching a movie. You were surprised when you got a call from Mitch after school, to come over but immediately said yes. There was some distance between your bodies and you really wanted it to disappear but were scared that Mitch would close up again, he was finally beginning to open up and you didn't want him to go back to how he was first.

Before you could change your mind again, you quickly took his hand and began playing with his fingers. Mitch froze and looked at you with wide eyes. He was glad you made the first move but was still a bit shocked. You hoped he wouldn't pull back, and he didn't. After a few minutes Mitch relaxed and focused on the movie again.

You were still playing with his fingers when he suddenly spoke up. "Thank you." You shifted your attention from the screen to Mitch and looked at him questioning. "What are you saying thank you for?" Mitch avoided eye-contact with you and looked at your now joined hands before speaking again.

"For being patient with me, for not leaving." You smiled when you understood what he was talking about and wondered if it was crossing any boundaries to hug him right now. "Of course, I honestly thought you didn't like me, maybe even hated me."

Mitch looked at you in horror and a sad expression crossed his face. He suddenly pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around your waist burying his face in the crook of your neck. You didn't move, shock and excitement running through your body. You eventually melted in the hug and wrapped your arms around him too, one hand playing with the nape of his hair.

"I am so sorry that I made you feel like that, it was never my intention. I really do love you." You were practically gloating with happiness hearing him say that and you pulled back a little looking him in the eyes.

"It's okay, I really love you too." Mitch's smile was wide, so wide, matching yours. You softly kissed his dimples that had popped out and lay your head on his chest. Mitch was glad you couldn't see his face because he was blushing furiously, a whole zoo was stomping around in his stomach. "I promise to show you everyday how much I love you from now on, if you let me."

He could feel your smile on his neck and stroked your hair tenderly. "Of course I'll let you. I love you Mitch." Mitch knew he would never get enough of hearing you say that, those three little words made his heart swell to the size of a balloon and he sighed in content.

"I love you too, always and forever."

Dylan O'Brien - One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now