Dylan O'Brien - Message

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It was eleven in the afternoon and you had been crying since some time after nine. You were laying on your bed, one of your favorite movies drowning out your cries, your trash can full of used tissues. You lay under the covers, in his hoodie, only crying harder when thinking about what had happend.

You had gotten a message from your best friend, Dylan. And it wasn't a good one. Basically, it was him saying that he didn't want to see you anymore. He was getting bored of you and just didn't want to be friends anymore.

Well, that broke your heart seeing you were pretty sure that you were in love with him. You didn't know what you did wrong, the only thing you knew was that it hurt like fucking hell.

After some more time of crying and just heartbreak you heard some weird sounds outside. You didn't bother to look because you didn't really care, it was probably the neighbor's cat or something. When you heard it again, louder this time, your crying somewhat stopped. You looked over at your window, just to see a shadow sitting in front of it.

Was this the moment you would get murdered? You hoped that Dylan would feel bad for ending your friendship on bad terms, maybe he would even cry a bit at your funeral.

The mystery person knocked on your window and you got the bat, that was always standing next to your bed, making you swallow back another sob remembering from who you got it. You climbed off the bed and slowly walked to the window. You saw a vague outlining. The person shifted a bit and the light of the lamppost shone on they're face just right to make out who it was.

Dylan. The motherfucker who had you crying for hours.

You dropped the bat and just shook your head at him, walking back to your bed and getting under the covers again, facing away from the window. You heard a knock, and then another one, and another one, until you decided to just let him in.

You walked back and opened you window. Dylan slightly smiled at you, you didn't smile back. "Thanks for letting me inside, it was getting a bit cold." He tried to lighten the mood but it wasn't working, at all. You couldn't talk, it was like you were paralyzed for a second. He studied your face intently, probably noticing the obvious tear streaks on your cheeks and you puffy, red eyes.

Dylan frowned and reached out to cup you face, but you dodged it by taking a step back. You suddenly found your voice again. "What are you doing here Dylan?" His frown got even bigger when he noticed you didn't use one of his nicknames, but his real name. You never did that.

"I- I wanted to explain. The text, everything." You just numbly nodded. You didn't get why he came here, he made it clear in the message that he didn't want to see you anymore. He didn't have to break your heart even more.

"Okay, well, talk." Dylan quickly nodded and cleared his throat. You were mentally preparing yourself for what was about to come, biting back another stream of tears, keeping your eyes focused on the floor. "It wasn't me." Your breathing stocked and your eyes flew up to Dylan's handsome face. "I didn't send the message." You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing wanted to come out, the only thing you could come up with was:

"What?" Dylan swallowed and nodded slowly. "I didn't send the text, Nala send it when I was in the shower, you know, showering." He winced and looked you straight in the eyes, hoping you would believe him.

It really was Nala, his girlfriend, well now ex. He would never send something like that, you meant way to much to him. Dylan's heart broke when he saw your tears and pain, he wanted to be the one to sooth you, help you, not the one who caused the tears and despair. He felt sick, knowing what Nala had done.

"Are you really speaking the truth?" Dylan nodded vigorously, wanting so badly for you to believe him. You smiled a tiny smile and Dylan took it as his cue to wipe your tears away with his hand.

"I don't like it when you cry, I promise I still very much want to see you. Seeing you is the best part of the day." You smile got a bit bigger and Dylan's eyes watered a bit. You quickly pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly, while he did the same to you. You rested your head on his chest, while Dylan nuzzled your neck fondly.

You stayed in that position for some time before you thought of something. You 100% believed Dylan, you were so happy that it wasn't actually him. Nala had never liked you because you and Dylan had such a tight friendship. She was really jealous and insecure about that type of things.

"What if she does something like this again?" Dylan shook his head, not moving. "She won't, I broke up with her." Your eyes lit up and you fully relaxed against him. "Really?" He nodded and you smiled. He had broken up with his girlfriend, for you.

"Your the only one I love anyway." You though you had imagined that because Dylan would never, right? "What was that Dyl?" Dylan sighed in content when he noticed the subtle nickname, burying his head further into your neck, tightening his hold on you. "I said that I love you, and not in a friends type of way."

You didn't know how to respond for a second. Just moments ago you were sobbing your eyes out because of this boy, and now he was confessing his love for you?

You pulled back a bit, seeing Dylan's worried expression. He cursed himself for being so stupid, he just had you back and now he was probably gonna lose you again. But he wasn't, he could see it in the way you were grinning up at him. "I love you too Dyl, you have no idea." Dylan could've jumped from happiness, he finally got the girl he had really wanted, but never thought he could get.

He cupped your cheeks and closed a bit of distance between your faces, searching your eyes for affirmation. Consent is key. When you subtly nodded, Dylan didn't waste a second, smashing his lips on yours, enjoying the warm feeling he got from being this close and intimate with you.

You kissed back immediately, smiling through the kiss. This was it, the moment you had searched for, pure happiness, with Dylan, your best friend in the entire world, now hopefully boyfriend.

Dylan pulled back, from the sweet, loving kiss, making you whine a bit, which made him smile even brighter, his dimples popping out. He pecked your lips one last time before fully pulling back, admiring you. He let his hand slide through your hair, his eyes sparkling. He knew this would only be the start, he could already see your future together, loud and clear.

"I love you Darling."

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