The Fairy Godmother Stereotype

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Once upon a time there was a mummy called Cathy and she had to listen to her boyfriend, Ant, doing his guitar lessons all day every day and nobody knew what a horror it was for her. Her only escape was cleaning the kitchen. I think that adequately shows just how awful the situation was.
So one day, Cathy was on her knees scrubbing the kitchen floor when she heard a squelchy sort of pop coming from above her.
So, ignoring the aching in her knees and back, Cathy slowly climbed to her feet to find the source of the strange wet noise.

There, in the sink, a fairy was climbing from the plughole. "Don't just stare, Cathy," she cried, " come give me a bloody hand woman!" She had a strange, grating quality to her voice, possibly she was Welsh. Anyway, Cathy helped her out of the plug and flicked a bit of unidentifiable gunk off her shoulder.
The fairy told her, "Cathy, i have seen your troubles, you're a good person, never getting a full night's sleep and cleaning wee off the bathroom floor. Not being able to hear your own thoughts for the guitar songs playing round and round in your head. Never complaining, as you endlessly wash toast crumbs off plates. Your sacrifice has been recognised and your troubles are at an end."
And with that the fairy waved her magic wand, flicking brown drain gunk around the sparkling kitchen and, as everything became hazy and Cathy felt herself falling to the floor, she thought to herself, "Woah, this is some freaky flashback!"
The next thing Cathy knew she was waking up in a feather bed, covered by silk sheets, with Ant getting dressed in the huge bedroom, posing in the large ornate mirror every time he went passed. "What's going on?"
Ant turned at her question and said, "Oh sorry bab, I didn't mean to wake you, I was letting you sleep in." Cathy realised she actually felt refreshed, like she had had a good night's sleep!
Ant went on, "I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed before i go to sound check. "Soundcheck?" Cathy asked. "Yeah," said Ant. "You haven't forgotten we're signing autographs this afternoon, have you?"
And with that, Cathy realised all her troubles were over.....

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