Ludel got an invite

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Peyton narrating: My name is Peyton, I live in Australia, I am the new guardian of the Australian miracle box, my father passed it to me, but I told him who I am, it didn't last long before an evil cassowary named Boss Cass came and destroyed our village and killed my father, what's worse, he got the miracle box, but all I have is Typhoon with me, I need to find a way to get it back, will anyone help me?

At dark town, everyone is normal, Maisie hangs out with Joey*

Jenny- Ey Maise'

Maisie: Hi Jenny, this is my talking kangaroo friend Joey

Joey smiles: Hello there!

Jenny- Huh. Nice. Why didn't you tell me there was a kangaroo here?

Maisie: Joey is living with her boyfriend Albert.

Albert smiles: It is true.

Jenny- Cool.

Helpy appears on Jenny's shoulder

Maisie: Hi Helpy!

Helpy- Maisie ?! You remembered me ! The little bear that help you saved your location spots when you were lost !

Maisie: I know! *hugs him* It's good to see you!

Helpy smiled and hugs back.

Helpy- You too !

Maisie smiles*

Malikai is talking to Blitzo, the bad guys, Hyeasel and Sheila and some of his siblings*

Malikai: So I switched Elliot's cereal with dog food, and I switched Elliot's chocolate with chocolate covered brussel sprouts!

They laughed*

Arabella-(Bored) Bro. We heard this prank over 100 times now

Malikai: I know but it is so funny!

Sonia rubs her belly, she is now 6 months pregnant*

They heard Ludel scream*

Fifi- Amour !

Fifi runs to him

Ludel excited: OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!

Fifi- Amour are you alright?!

Ludel shows her the letter: Honey, we've been honored by the Opera house at Austrailia that they loved our singing, and they want us to preform there! Plus we get to have a free weekend vacation with our friends and family!!

Fifi- What?! That's it ?! You no good weasel!!

Fifi started slapping on him in fury and relief

Fifi- You almost gave me a heart attack! Which it was not funny you almost scared me !!

Ludel: I'm sorry honey, I'm just too excited! I've always wanted to preform at the opera house!

Jason came in: Hey bro, what gives? We thought you were attacked by something?

Ludel- Weve been honored to the Opera house !

Arabella- Cool

Fifi glares and crosses her arms.

Fifi- Well after that anxious stunt I'm NOT dure if I should go with you !

Ludel: Oh com'on Fifi, it's going to be on live in all of Austrailia, please? Your singing will be amazing to the public

Fifi blushes and her eyes sparkled at the thought

Fifi- R-really?

Ludel: Yes really

Fifi giggles as her tail sways.

Fifi- Awww alright amour~

Fifi snuggles Ludel.

Arabella- I think it's a scam

Ludel gives it to her: See it, tell me if it's a scam

Arabella looks at it*

Arabella- Hmm..... Maybe and maybe not. But if it is I'm KNOCKING ALL OF YOUR ASSES OUT AND I DONT CARE IF YOURE A GIRL OR A CHILD!!

They are shocked*

Pentol: Okay okay, calm down sis!

Sheila: This will be fantastic! I'll be able to visit my mom and my brother with my kids and husband!

Fanny- Are you kidding me?! Australia is hot as Hell! Besides Africa and Egypt, there are poisonous snakes and giant ass spiders a big as houses!

Webbs offended: Excuse me?


Arabella rubs Webbs tiny shoulders.

Arabella- She said no offense. No offense. You are not a big ass spider as big as a house are you ?

Webbs: No, but that's okay

Lizard breath: Honey, it's okay, but what can cheer you up then going to the petting zoo, plus, there's Pretty boy?

Maisie: Pretty boy?

Spike: Who's that?

Fanny- A koala. Better not be as rude as Nom Nom. Look the reason I don't want to go is because rabbits are NOT used to hot hot weather

Tigs: Well technically some rabbits get use to the sun like desert rabbits, they love the heat

Fanny- Well Im a different rabbit. I love nice northern weather

Lizard Breath holds her

Lizard Breath: I'll take care of you honey, I promise

Fanny-( Blushes ) Really ?

Lizard breath: Yes really

Fanny- Well... Alright babe.

Chia-(Stretches) I dont know what you're complaining about Fanny. That's because you can't take hot heat but Cheetahs , they can take anything !

Hyeasel: Okay, then you can come too babe

Chia giggles*

Snake: Hey Sonia, how about we invite Viper to come with us?

Sonia smiles: Of course honey

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