Defeating water Lord

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Teresa has to help the people, she looks at Innari*

Teresa- I can't believe im doing this..... Hey ! Who are you?

Innari smiles: I'm Innari!

Teresa- Im Teresa. Tell me what cam you do ?

Tatyana holds onto the roof as the current is trying to force her to let go

Steel weasel sees her in danger: Oh no!

Tatyana tries not to let go.

Tatyana- Oh ! Oh ! Ahh !

Steel weasel flies and grabs her*

Tatyana- Huh ?

Steel weasel: Your safe now madam

Tatyana-( Blushes ) Wait a minute...

Steel weasel winks at her*

Tatyana- Oh !

Tatyana giggles.

Cherry gets out of the water in a panic and shivers as she is shocked

Graceful Swan aka Pentol sees her and swoops to her*

Cherry- Huh ?

The Graceful swan gets her out of the water*

Cherry- Oh ! Hey !

Graceful swan: Call me the graceful swan *winks*

Cherry blusjes amd giggles

Cherry- I may hate swans but you are different~

Lupe helps the others get onto the roofs before she slips and hangs on

Morty the Nine tailed fox aka Swifty kitsune flies to her*

Lupe- Huh ?

The Swifty kitsune grabs Lupe*

Lupe- What ?!

Switfy Kitsune winks: The name's Swifty Kitsune

Lupe giggles .

Fifi is in the water trying not to drown as she is sinking

Ludel the Psychic cat sees Fifi drowning, he swoops down to her*

Fifi tries to breathe but she slowly passes out

Psychic cat grabs her out of the water*

Fifi is passes out and cols as he takes he rto a roof

Psychic cat gives her CPR*

Fifi- Mm ! Mmph !

Fifi breaks away and coughs up water

Psychic cat: You okay my dear?

Fifi- Im fine.. I... ( Looks at him ) Huh ?

Psychic cat: Call me the Psychic cat

Fifi- Oh my , Psychic Cat , my hero~

Fifi nose kisses him before she gives him a kiss on the lips

Psychic cat smiles big*

Teresa as Kitsune'onna jumped around shape shifit into several animals to help people onto the buildings

Malikai: Hey cousin! Nice moves!

Teresa smiles and waves*

Water Lord: No one can stop me!

???: How about you letting go of her?! *as Tornado tiger appears*

Sealia-( Annoyed ) Show off...

Water Lord: Oh, your the jerk who took the tasmanian tiger miraculous!

Sealia- Uh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh !

Katie looks

Tornado Tiger grabs Peyton and pulls her out of the water monster's hands*

Water Lord: Hey! No fair!

Tornado tiger flew Peyton back to Klang and Katie*

Peyton is shocked: Sneath? Is that you?

Sneath-( Blushes ) Yes. Its me.

Katie- Peyton how could you do this! I know you were worried but now you endangered the Kwamis amd the people of Australia! Why did you have to do that?!

Klang: Hey, Katie, don't freak out, look what I got after disarming Boss Cass's safe *holds the australian miracle box*

Peyton gasped: My miracle box! *holds it* You got it back!

Katie- Oh thank God !

Klang comes to her with the bells

Klang: I got your bells back too

Katie looked and gasped.

Katie- Klang ! My bells !

Klang: I decided to change my ways, Boss Cass is being a jerk.

Peyton hugs her miracle box: Katie, I'm sorry of what I did, I couldn't let him slice you into pieces. I don't know what to do without you best friend.

Katie smiles and.pats her shoulder.

Katie- it's alright. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I just didn't want you to endnger yourself or your box

Sneath kisses Petyon's hand: Now if you excuse me, I got Boss Cass to stop *as he flies off*

Malikai: So Ladybug, how do we seperate him from the water monster?

Ladybug: Sealia, do your thing!

Sealia- What? Ohhhhh okay... Tidepool Ice Break !

Sealia uses her ice powers to separate and turn the waters into ice

Griffin: Wow! Awesome power sis!

Sealia-( Giggles ) Thank you

Water Lord: Noooo! Okay, let's see you try and find me! *dives in the water*

Lightning bird: Where did he go?

Griffin used his sight seeing to find him, he sees Water Lord swimming with the miraculous*

Griffin: There he is!

Tornado Tiger: I got this! Tornado! *as his tornado power lifts Water Lord out of the water*

Cat Noir- Now ?

Ladybug: We need to seperate him from the miraculous, lucky charm! *as a water pump appeared* Of course, I can use this! Tornado Tiger, bring water Lord over here!

Tornado Lord: You got it! *as he brings the water tornado to her*

Ladybug used the water pump on water lord*

Water Lord: No no no! *as he is noting but a water puddle*

Ladybug grabs the miraculous: Care to do the honors handsome?

Cat Noir smirks.

Cat Noir- Okay beautiful. Cataclysm !

He uses his attack to destory the miraculous, the akuma tries to fly away*

Ladybug caught the akuma: Gotcha! *opens yoyo* Bye bye little butterfly *throws waterpump in the air* Miraculous ladybug! *as everything is fixed*

All of Australia is restrored and the water in all the cities are cleared and the cassowary miraculous is fixed, everyone cheered*

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