Chapter one -Ariving at Rye East Sussex, Uk-

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The view from the train was amazing. The sun was setting it looked beautiful. Full of red, orange, and some purple. Too bad the twins couldn't see it. "We're almost there Ezra, almost to our new home." Azre told his sister. "Why did mother and father have to send us away... all the way to a new country! Don't they love us?" She slumped in her street and rested her head against the wall of the train. Ezre sighed and looked out the window. He could tell how pretty the sunset was. Guessing by the colors he saw. It was just too blurry to make out the details. "Im sure they love us... they just want a better life for us. Hey, think of the bright side. No one will judge you when you walk around with your grippers out" Azre chuckled as he turned his head to face his sister. "HEY! It's how I see. Why would I put something on that will kill out the only way I can tell what's around me."

"I was just trying to lighten the mood"

The train came to a stop and Mister Balonk, their guiding servant, came to the room they were in. "Master Ezre, Mistress  Ezra, we are here. I will lead you out and carry your luggage for you." He said as he began to take their suitcases from the top, where it was stored. "Thank you Balonk" Ezre said as he stood up. "What did he say?" Asked Ezra. "We're here. We can leave now"

"You two will start going to Huron high in three days. That will be enough time for you two to get ready for your new life here," Balonk said clearly, in a strict voice. "Yes sir," Ezre responded as they walked to their new home. It was on top of a small hill that was filled with flowers.

"We are starting school in three days Ezra"

"Why three days? That's not enough time. And why are we living on a hill!"

"How would I know? At least our legs can get strong"

"I'll sure be nice, being small with some strong legs"

Ezra huffed as she crossed her arms. They walked into the house, which was like a cottage. "It smells nice in here" Azre commented as he explored the house. Ezra immediately looked for something to lay on. She found the couch, and flopped onto there. "Yes... the housekeepers made sure it was fresh for our arrival. Your rooms are upstairs. There's two bedrooms, one for you and one for your sister. The housekeepers and my room are downstairs. If you need anything just come knock. Today you have a free day, tomorrow we will be exploring the town." Balonk went upstairs with their stuff and unpacked for them. "Toady is free, tomorrow is adventure" Azre told his sister as he sat on the edge of the sofa with a popsicle. Ezra groaned out loud. "Now I'm thinking that school is going to be better than this."  Ezra chuckled as he finished his popsicle in a second. He put the stick on the glass coffee table in front of them. "We should head to bed, we got a long day tomorrow and it's getting late."

Ezra had fallen asleep. Azre chuckled as he head upstairs to go to bed.

Hello! Author here, please comment if there's anything that needs fixing or just feedback in general. Thanks! :) -Ghost

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