Chapter two - exploring town -

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"why... why is it so hot... why can't it be cold like in Alaska!" Ezra was on the edge of dying from the heat. She only walked down the hill and was already tired. "Because this isn't Alaska, this place actually has seasons" Azre grabbed ahold of Ezra's hand and walked faster. "Azre! Wait! I don't think you should be walking so fast without an assistance!" Barlock called out as he picked up the pace. "I've got Ezra!" He started to run around the town, trying to lose Barlock. "There's metal in front of you- you're so stupid" Azre rubbed his forehead with a groan. "I thought it was a shadow" "And this is why we don't run." Azre sighed and touched the pole. He carefully walked around it and continued on walking more carefully. "I think we lost Barlock"

The twins visited to each shop in town. Their favorite was the candle shop. "I'm so glad I didn't lose my sense of smell in the accident, smell's so good in here." Ezra picked up every single candle and sniffed them. She smelled every candle once. But the one she kept sniffing over and over was an autumn candle. "I'm pretty sure that can't happen. But it would have better if it took your smell rather then your hea-" "Shut up" Azre sighed in annoyance. "You brought it up" He muttered out loud, knowing full well she couldn't hear.

After the candle shop they went to this cheese store. They only went because they heard there was stuffed animals there. And there was. "This is so soft" Azre hugged the large panda stuffed animal, which he though was a raccoon. "This raccoon stuffed animal is very soft" Ezra touched the stuffed animal her brother was holding. "At least it isn't itchy like your long ass hair" "Don't curse" Azre put the "raccoon" back and took the one Ezra was holding, putting it back. "Hey! That's mine!" "We don't have the money to buy it right now. We can do it later" Ezra pouted and yanked Azre's hair. He yelped and smacked her hand away. "Now we're leaving" "Good, I never wanted to be here anyway."

Ezra stormed out of the shop. She couldn't tell that someone was in front of her and bumped into them, knocking them over. [did I bump into someone...] She stared at the ground, waiting Azre to say something. "HEY! Can't you watch where you're going!?" She didn't respond of course. "Ignoring me now? How rude" The short brown hair boy stood up and pushed Ezra to the side and walked into the shop. She fell to the ground with a squeak. "Ow..." The boy scoffed as he picked up some cheese. "Hey!" Azre walked up to the short boy. He looked up at Azre with his eyebrow raised. "What?" "Why did you push her?" "That's none of your business" The boy shoved past Azre and payed for his cheese. "Oh that-" "I'm fine. Now help my get up, my foot is stuck in something" Azre sighed as he walked out of the store and picked up his sister on his back. A piggy back ride.

    The sun started to set. They spent too much time in that cheese shop. "Why didn't you say anything?" "Uh duh.. I didn't know someone was there and hear them." She smiled sarcastically and waved her hand in front of her face repeatedly. Then she stopped when she realized her brother couldn't see it. "Just because you fell- I'm carrying you up the hill"

"I'm not a baby"

"So you want to go up the hill yourself then?"

    Ezra got quiet and bonked Azre's head. He chuckled as he walked up the cobblestone steps up the hill that was somewhat covered in moss. Ezra knocked on the door and one of the housekeepers opened the door. "Oh dear! Mister Barlock was searching everywhere for you guys!" Azre didn't say anything as he walked in and set Ezra down. Noma came gliding down towards Ezra and landed on her shoulder, licking her cheek. "Noma!" She smiled and ran upstairs with her rat. She tripped two times but it didn't stop her. [oh what am I going to do with her...]

    The housekeeper whistled and held out her arm outside. A crow came flying and landed on her arm. "Go get Barlock" She whistled again and the crow flew away. She turned around and looked at Azre "Don't run off again like that, you could have gotten hurt." Azre turned around and looked at the blurry round figure he saw. "We can handle being alone" He said clearly and walked upstairs to his room. Ezra went into Azre's room, and Azre went into Ezra's room. But they didn't know.

    Ten minutes later, Barlock walked into the house. He walked downstairs and knocked on the housekeeper's room. She opened the door and greeted him with a smile. "Hello Mister Barlock, welcome back." He smiled back at her. "Hello Belle. Are the kids okay?" "Yes, yes they are." He sighed in relief and patted her head, which had caused her to blush a bit. "Y-your welcome sir!" Belle squeaked in embarrassment. Barlock chuckled and he left to his room.

Author's note: Ezra is inspired by toph :)

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Author's note: Ezra is inspired by toph :)



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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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