Chapter 15~Conclusion

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Max followed me to shore. The burning worsened. I didn't even make it to shore. I jumped off the boat and let gravity take over. I heard Max's speedboat come over. I closed my eyes, hoping the burning would stop. The burning didn't stop. Then, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. Max. I kept my eyes closed.

"Melissa, its okay." Max said

"No it's not." I said

I opened my eyes. Max pulled me up onto his speedboat. The burning worsened. I looked at my finger. Glowing gold. I covered it up with my other hand. Max looked at me. A wave of fear ran over his face. He pulled out his sunglasses and handed them to me. I put them on. Max drove to shore. When we got there, I walked over to where we put our stuff. I grabbed my phone. 8 pm. I turned it off and grabbed my clothes. I walked to Max's house.

When I got to his house, I went inside, making sure to close the door behind me. I walked towards the stairs. Someone grabbed be from behind. The person covered my mouth. I dropped my stuff on the floor. I screamed. The person put something against my throat. Probably a knife. Then the door opened. Max walked in. The person uncovered my mouth.

"Let her go James." Max said

James. He probably wanted revenge for Max "stealing" me from him.

"Not until she's mine. Or you never see her again." James said

"James let me go." I said

"No." James said

"James, it's probably not the best idea to be holding a knife to her next right now." Max said

My eyes were still burning. I closed my eyes, tears spilling out.

"If you really want her, you wouldn't be doing this right now James." Max said

James thought about it. There was a knock on the door.

"DONT GO NEAR THAT DOOR!" James yelled at Max

"James please let me go." I said

The burning intensified. My finger started to burn. Tear spilled over into my cheeks. The door burst open. Kain and Sam came in. They stopped.

"Get out of here Max. Now." I demanded

"I'm not leaving." Max said

"I can protect myself Max just go! Take Kian and Sam and go somewhere safe. Go to the party! I don't care just go!" I said

"I can't leave you here Mel." Max said

"Please Max. I love you please just go." I said

The knife pressed deeper. Max, Kian and Sam left. James released me. I grabbed my neck lightly. James came up to me. I crouched down on the ground.

"I love you Melissa. Don't forget that." James said

"If you love me, please get out." I said

James left the house. I felt electricity running through me. I felt like I was going to explode any minute now. Then the door burst open. Max, Kian and Sam came in. Max tried to come to me.

"Max. Stop. I don't want to hurt you." I said

"What is she talking about?" Kian asked

"Please Max. I don't know what's going on but back away." I said

"Mel, it's okay." Max said

"No. I don't know what's happening. I feel like a bomb ready to explode at any minute and I don't want you to be in my line of fire." I said

Max backed up.

"What is she talking about?" Kian said

"You can't tell anyone Kian. Not even you Sam." Max said

"I swear." Kian and Sam said at the same time

"She got in an accident. A really bad car accident. Do you remember when we had to do a presentation on a topic?" Max said

"Yea." Kian and Sam said at the same time again

"Well I happened to research what happened if chemicals from the engine of a car got into a human's blood. That's what happened to her. Mel, open your eyes." Max said

I opened my eyes. Kian and Sam started at me in shock.

"Her eyes glow gold at times. She isn't the same." Max said

Kian looked at me. He noticed my finger glowing.

"And her finger?" Kian asked

"Yes." Max said

I felt a surge of electricity go through me. I stumbled back. I hit the wall. Max looked at me. I screamed. I clutched my chest. The burning in my eyes and finger intensified. I screamed. I crumpled to the floor. Max tried to rush over to me but Kian held him back.

"You don't know what's happening." Kian said

"Get out of here!" I yelled

They didn't leave. Max stopped trying to reach for me. My heart beat quickened. I screamed and clutched my chest. Sam ran out the door. I saw a light coming from me.

"GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled

The room glowed in the dark. Max strained toward me but Kian held him back.


Kian dragged Max out of the house. I screamed. The light got brighter. I felt like I was going to explode. I stood up. I screamed, clutching my chest. The light died. I flew back. I hit the stairs. I blacked out.

Hey guys!

Still nothing really to say.

I am doing a contest soon so be prepared😊👍


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