Chapter 14: That's Not Candy!

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Cars had stopped, blocking the majority of the road, and people were beginning to flood out. The vehicles were a combination of Jeeps and SUV, recipient by a dozen of the GRC personnel. Most of which seemed to be armed. There were also shocked and confused bystanders among the scene. Some had pulled over and gotten out of their cars after witnessing the accident. Most likely in an attempt to help, but the GRC staff aggressively forced them back, even using their weapons on them as leverage. Further back, the traffic was starting to queue and horns were blazing angrily.

One woman had a phone to her ear, perhaps calling emergency services but a GRC employee snatched it out of her hand and then smashed it on the asphalt. He crunched it under his heel for good measure before forcing the terrified woman back further from the scene.

Sara was attempting to tiptoe around the back of the mangled van to get out of sight when Twister suddenly grabbed her by the waist. He lurched her towards him and out of harm's way as a bullet was fired. She was expecting to see another bullet hole in the side of the wreck. But instead it just left a fleck of paint damage.

With Twister holding her close she could actually feel his body starting to change form. The muscles twitching. The bones crunching, stretching, and popping into their new positions. Clothes ripped and tore away. She held in her repulsion along with the giddy familiar hum as his body started glowing with strange Taudog dynamism.

As he morphed, Twister's grip fell away from Sara and she took the opportunity to crouch down and grab the strange, dart-like bullet that had rolled by her feet. It had a needle at the receiving end, now exaggeratedly bent, and the case was translucent, revealing an alarmingly fluorescent pink liquid inside.

Sara absentmindedly stuffed the dart into her pocket as she noted two big figures in her peripheral vision.

Sara had seen Sparkie transformed before. Or rather had noticed glimpses thereof. When he had done so it had been at Sara's home and she had been totally distracted, trying to avoid being killed and then the latter of having a mental breakdown over the disclosure of her parents. Now seeing both brothers transformed next to each other was astronomically intimidating. They were both physically big, but also had a substantially powerful presence. Majestic, but also fierce. She was no longer fearful of experiencing this form of the twins. But with them both looming over her she could not help but feel tiny and weak in comparison. Like in their human forms, they were practically identical. Their eye colours and a slight marking variation on Sparkie's ears were really the only differences between them. Even comparing them side by side like this, correctly identifying them was surely a gamble to most.

Sparkie shuffled closer to Sara and his brother. His viridescent eyes were alert and flickered nervously as his muscles stiffened, poised and ready to spring to life at any moment.

The sound of Norman smashing outwards what was left of the van's windshield snapped Sara out of her gawking.

"Why are you still here? I fucking told you to run!" The aggression and stress in Norman's tone was out of character and blatantly obvious.

A group of GRC men were already descending down the slight embankment of the roadside reserve. With the brothers transformed and alert, well prepared to fight back, Sara took initiative before either Taudog went on the offense. She scrambled atop Twister's back. Him bowing down at a more reasonable height to make it easier for her.

"Time to go", Sara remarked nervously.

No one needed to be told twice. The group took off, taking advantage of the bushy reserve to avoid the stopped vehicles as much as they could before cutting back towards the busy road to dash alongside traffic. Cars began to congest the road even further as people stopped or slowed to gawk. Sara held on for dear life at Twister's exaggerated movements. She had to push herself forward onto his neck and clutch the long strands of mane firmly between her fingers to avoid falling.

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