Chapter 1: Ryleigh

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Ryleigh's eyes of gold fire stared at the ceiling above her. Pain tore through her body, paralyzing her as it healed itself. Pain in her chest, her thigh, and immense pain in her neck. She felt her body attempt to move, and immediately felt the movement dissipate into even more pain. The last thing that she remembered was Kristopher's hands around her throat, the air being torn from her body, as he squeezed so tight that she had felt her vertebrae snap as it separated from her spine. She gasped suddenly as a bolt of lightning pain shot from the base of neck down her spine to her tailbone. She felt a grasp tighten against her waist and her wrists and she reacted.

Ryleigh thrashed her body against whomever was holding her down. She groaned as she felt pain erupt from her gums and her attempt to free herself was instantly ceased. Her gums split open, and she felt her eyes finally gain the same momentum as the rest of her body. Her eyes flickered around the room wildly. She was breathing heavily as her eyes landed on Lukas' body above hers, his grip tight as her breathing intensified. His gold eyes were bright as he stared into hers, and the depth of that brightness calmed her. Her breathing began to steady, but the pain remained. She could not remember the last time that just a gaze from someone could calm her so. Even Kristopher's eyes were not that strong on her. She gasped suddenly and attempted to sit up as her eyes became wild again. She could not see Kristopher anywhere, or her sister. Her eyes penetrated all corners of the room but were only met with Lukas' gold eyes. "Where are they?!" She snapped hoarsely.

"Resting," Lukas said gently. "Bailey used most of her strength to bring you back. Kristopher took her to get some rest, but I could not leave you by yourself as you transitioned."

"It hurts," Ryleigh whimpered suddenly, and instantly detested herself for it. She was not one to admit weakness, let alone whimper from pain, but she could not prevent it. Her gums split again. and she winced as she felt something slice against her bottom lip and her chin. "Please let me up," she begged. "It hurts so much."

"You're not done healing yet, love," Lukas said softly. "I can't allow you to run out of here mid-transformation and not yet fully healed."

"What are you talking about?" Ryleigh breathed heavily.

Lukas sighed. "Naomi did quite the number on your corpse, love. Your lycanthropy is resolving to heal it. I'm assuming the shock that pulled you out of your nonresponsive state was your lycanthropy healing your neck first. All of the pain that you're feeling is your newfound wolf."

"What do you mean 'mid-transformation'?"

"The pointy thing that is making your lip bleed? Those are your canine fangs, my dear. Your wolf is terrified and in a lot of pain, so she is trying to push through. You need to calm down."

"It hurts," Ryleigh whimpered as her back arched against the bed. Her blood felt like it was boiling, her skin twisting and knotting itself ruthlessly to repair itself. Even her magic did not hurt as bad as the lycanthropy did. As if on cue, her magic coaxed her gently, reminding her that she was going to be okay. She felt her magic lace itself with the lycanthropy to try to ease the pain, but it only generated it further. Her magic alone was lava; mixed with lycanthropy, her blood felt like acid trying to burn down the skin of the woman that she once was, making room for the wolf that she became.

"I know, but that's why I can't let you up," Lukas murmured. "I am sorry, but I cannot have a terrified wolf that is in pain running around my pack. You need to calm yourself first. Kristopher and Bailey are safe," he added. "I give you my word that they are. I hope that brings you some peace." His words did the opposite as she felt the skin of her fingernails rip. She cried out and felt Lukas' grasp on her wrists tighten. She attempted to sit up and look at herself, but Lukas' pelvis tightened against hers and forced her to remain lying down. "Not yet," he said lowly. "You are not ready to see her yet. Allow her to heal you first, then you can meet her."

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