Heads rounds

30 1 0

James POV.

Nothing much happened during the day at all.Me Lilly had our first heads rounds.we walked past a broom cupboard and we heard snogging.I opened the door and we saw Sirius.

J:Sirius who have you been shagging this time



L:Yyyyeeeessssss Wolfstar

S:Lilly were you shipping us.


R:of course she dose

———heads common room———

Lilly was getting changed when a owl came to the window it was Lilly's one.With a letter from her sister saying.

Dear freak

You are invited to me am fiancé wedding you can bring a plus 1 with you

From petunia

"James letter"a voice from behind me

"Ok babe"I said while passing it to Lilly

"Oh don't tell me she's getting married to that walrus vernon"she said

"It's ok she'll probably regret"I said as I sat on the couch

"Yeah probably,anyway will you be my plus 1"she said as she sat on my lap

"Of course babe"I said giving her a kiss on the cheek

Jilly:Potter and EvansDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora