S1/E4: Forces of Nature

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Time: Evening

The night sky was filled with dark thundering clouds. Flashes of lightning illuminate their contours. A bulky silhouette stands up among them and begins to swing a pair of sticks against the clouds. Every time it brings them down, there is another strike and accompanying thunderclap. In a other patch of the sky, even more lightning crackles back and forth. A second silhouette, this one much thinner and with spiky upswept hair stands up and directs his hands here and there. There is a new flare-up every time it does so. When the last one clears, the clouds continue to flash from within. There is a huge strike.

Location: Titans Tower

Inside the Tower, Beast Boy has become a musk ox and is straining mightily Ata a rubber band looped over his horns, trying to catch it on a nearby hook. He succeeds and ducks away, coming up in human form with a mischievous smile on his face. Then he produces a large, water-filled balloon that sloshes a but in his hands, and he lets off a wicked chuckle.

Beast Boy: "This is gonna be so sweet!"

"What are you doing?"

Surprised by the words, Beast Bot lets go of the balloon and completely freaks out as he tries desperately to make a safe catch. Finally, he gets a hold of it and turns around to face Raven behind him.

Raven: "Please tell me this isn't another ridiculous prank."

Beast Boy: "Okay. It's not a ridiculous prank. It's a brilliant one!"

The green goofball laughs as his goth teammate rolls her eyes.

Beast Boy: "Alright, check it out. So remember when Cyborg introduced Y/n to pranks and he put red dye in my shampoo, and I turned brown for two days? Well, sister, it's payback time."

Beast Boy then reaches for a string above him and pulls it down.

Beast Boy: "I give you... the Beast Boy Insta-Lube 9000!"

He and Raven back up as a blueprint comes down. The diagram shows the rubber band, which is part of a floor-mounted slingshot, held back by the hook and the balloon loaded in. A tripwire in front of the rig runs through overhead pulleys and is tied to a lever that is in turn connected to the hook.

Beast Boy: "See, when ninja-boy steps around the corner, his foot tugs the string. The string trips the lever, the lever releases the mother of all rubber bands..."

Raven walks over to the setup, and Beast Boy pops into view with the ammo.

Beast Boy: "... which sends a balloon, loaded with green paint, flying at him, and BOOSH! Pretty clever, huh?"

Raven: "You're a genius."

Beast Boy: "It's just a little good clean dirty fun."

Raven: "Question, are you depressed or suicidal?"

Beast Boy: *confused* "No. Why?"

Raven: "'Cause there are easier ways to get yourself killed."

Beast Boy: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Raven: *shakes head* "Nevermind."

A door down the hall opens, and the green goofball's ear perks up to listen.

Beast Boy: "Here he comes."

He ducks away and whisks Raven over with him. They both hide around a corner and look out from it.

Raven: "I do not think--"

Beast Boy: "Shhh!"

Raven: "But what if--?"

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