Chapter 10

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"I need you to muffle me."

"What?" he looked at me puzzled as we lay together snuggling on my bed.

"When we have sex, I need you to muffle me. Silence me so my mom can't hear us."

Yoongi laughed hard.

"I'm serious, Yoongi. You told me I have a tendency to get loud. I don't want my mom to hear us."

"We could just not have sex, you know."

"Are you saying you don't want to have sex with me? Is it because I look like a beached whale?"

"No, Mel. I think you're very sexy. It's just I get off on you getting loud. How will sex be fun if you can't get loud and I can't hear you get loud?"

"Yoongi, are you seriously saying you can't enjoy sex with me unless I can get loud?" I laughed, my eyebrows raised.

He paused and thought. "I lost my mind for a moment. Forget what I just said," he smirked. "Silent sex, it is! We'll make it a competition to see which one of us can stay the quietest when we cum."

"Oh, I see how you are, mister! You think you've got this in the bag, don't you?" I laughed so hard and shook my head. My belly shook and he leaned over and kissed it, then rested his head on it as he looked up into my eyes.

"Any other requests, honey?"

"Yes. Whatever you do, do not leave a single toilet seat up. Neither my mom nor I have the ability to dig our asses out of a toilet bowl."

He laughed heartily. "I was with you guys for over three weeks. Just when did I do that?"

"You didn't. I just don't want you to get so comfortable that you forget two women live here."

"Trust me, you and your mom will never let me forget that," he smiled.

Suddenly, I grew sad. Yoongi knew my mom. He knew about my aunt and uncle and cousins. I knew practically nothing about his family. We were taking things to the next level. It was time for him to open up to me.

"Yoongi, you don't talk much about your family. Do your parents know about me?"

"Well, uh . . ."

"I see." I lowered my eyes in shame.

"It's not what you think, Mel. They know that I have found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. They don't know that my special someone is pregnant with my child."

"Is that why you are so eager to get married? To appease your parents?"

"No. I really do love you. Pleasing my parents by having our child born in wedlock would just be a bonus."

"So, they wouldn't approve of us--of my refusal to marry you."

"That's not what I'm saying."

"But that's how they would feel if they knew the whole truth isn't it?"

He looked at me in silence and I knew it was the truth.

"Enough about them. Let's talk about our future family." Yoongi was clearly desperate to change the subject. "Have you decided on any names?"

"I haven't. I was thinking of naming it after my father if I have a boy."

"What was your dad's name?"


"That's a good name. We could call him Bill or Billy or--"


"Yeah. I guess Liam is okay," Yoongi responded.

"For a girl, I kind of like the name Lily."

"What's with all the 'L' names?"

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