Chapter 1

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A middle aged woman slammed open the door with such great force it must have left a dent on the wall.

"EoMMAA MY WIG IS TANGLED TOGETHERRR" Hyunjin wailed dramatically throwing himself on his bed and started kicking around the cover like a 6 year old who didn't get what they want at a toy store.

"...Hyunjin ah calm down why don't you just wear the one I bought for you last time?"

"NOOOO ITS UGLY" he screamed while covering himself under his blankets.

"oh come on dear its not that bad!" His mother patted him on the head. She stood up and went to pull out the wig that was neatly placed in the plastic clear bag that it came along with it. "Alright dear get up stop being dramatic"

"..Fine.." hyunjin uncovers himself from his hiding place while holding back tears as his mom placed the wig he despised the most on his head clipping it in place.

 "There! Look at my baby, so adorable!" Hyunjin could feel his ears twitch under the wig with embarrassment.

(just try to imagine his wig as his black hair but longer and has mushroom bang in the front LOL)

"Eomma pleasee can you fix that other wig? I don't wanna wear this tommorrow" Hyunjin pouted placing both hands together being dramatic as always

"yes of course dear. Now get up you have a university degree to earn"





Hyunjin ran over to crush Felix in a tight hug making Felix laugh at his childish actions. 

"woah- whats with ur hair bro-" Felix started giggling while poking the tallers cheeks. 

"YA- no my hair is perfectly fine" Hyunjin slapped Felix's hands away earning him a laugh from the shorter male.

"anyways lets just gooOo~" "yh yh you big baby"


(thats all guys TvT. I really don't know hwo to continue writing this but like- give me ideas if yall want^^)

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