Chapter 10

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                             Moon had moved all of my belongings to his mansion and I was slowly making the room mine. I was currently hanging up a few things when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened and Matt stepped in. "Oh hello Matt. What bring you here." "Mr. Moon would like to see you." "Oh." I walked over to him and I walked to Moon's office. I knocked on his door an entered.

                             Moon was pacing the room and papers littered his desk. "You wanted to see me Moon." "Yes have a seat." I took a seat but he continued to pace. "Is everything alright?" "No. I have to go on a mission. I'll be gone for a few days." "Oh. What kind of mission?" "That's classified. I'll be gone for four days. Bendy and Alice will still be here to keep you company." "And here I thought you didn't care about me." Moon stopped pacing and faced me. "I care about all my people. Except Freddy."

                               I glared at him and he sighed. "I'll have a few people with me, but Matt will be at your service." I looked down and I began to pick at my fingers. "I would take you with me but you could die." "You thought about taking me?" "Yeah. But you need training. Lots of training." "But I have a job. I cant just leave it." "I know. Alice will help you and Bendy will be your body guard while you work." "Alright. So when do you leave?" "Tonight. I need to get a head start."

                                After our conversation I went back to my room and Moon left. "So Sun have any colors in mind for your room?" Alice asked as I hung up some fake clouds. "I like the color actually." "Really you like this boring blue?" "Its not boring. At least its better then brown." Alice laughed and there was another knock on the door. Alice and I turned around and I saw Bendy in the doorway. "Moon's plane just took off. So we wont hear from him for a while." I nodded my head and sat on my bed.

                                "Come on Alice its late lets let him rest." Bendy and Alice then left shutting my door and leaving me in the quiet of my room. I laid on my back and my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw Cassy was calling. "Hey." "Hey Sun how are you doing?" "Not to bad. Just finished setting up my room." "Neat. Are you doing anything tomorrow?" "I've got work. But nothing before that." "Not even with Moon?" "No hes got some paper work to do." "I see."

                                  I choose my words carefully since you never know who could be listening in. "Do you want to get a coffee then?" "Sure what time?" "Nine am?" "Sure." "I'll see you then." She then hung up and I got ready for bed. I felt like I needed to call Moon but I couldn't. 'Am I really falling for a mob boss?' I wondered as I heard laughter down the hall. 'I cant be. We cant be together.' I grumbled and rolled over.

                                   The next morning I headed over to the coffee shop and waited for Cassy. I had a small table close to the window and far from the other customers. "Morning Sun." "Oh morning. I ordered your usual." "Aww thanks." Our coffee's soon arrived and she gave me a strange look. "What?" "You okay?" "You never have two cups of coffee." "This is my first. I woke up late." That was a lie. The coffee maker broke. 'Moon's gonna be pissed when he finds out.'

                                  I drank my coffee and looked at her. "Cassy." "Yeah?" "Can I date you again?" "Why? I thought you didn't love me anymore." "There's still something between us. You've changed and so have I. So can we try again?" "Sure. So can I come over tonight?" My face heated up and I looked away. She laughed and I looked back over at her. "What's funny?" "Nothing. I know sex isn't for you so don't worry." "I guess spending a night with you couldn't hurt but, I think I should go over to yours."

                                 "Moon still hates me huh?" "No. Its not my house or my place to just invite people over." "Right. So once your done with work you gonna come over?" "Yeah." She stood up and kissed my cheek. "See you later." She then walked out and left. I left soon after and headed back home. Once I got inside I saw Bendy and Alice cuddling on the couch. "Hey after work tonight I am staying at Cassy's." "No your not." Bendy said moving Alice off of him.

                                "Bendy I promise she's better. And besides if things go south I'll leave." "Fine. Now go get ready." I headed upstairs and got my work uniform on. One it was on I checked my phone and thought about texting Moon. An didn't realize I texted him till I hit send. "No what have I done." I looked down at the phone and he was texting back. He wrote back that he arrived at his hotel and that he was eating. I let out a sigh and headed off to work.

                                    Once I opened the door I was greeted by Freddy. "People seemed to enjoy your show the other night. Mind doing one every Tuesday?" "Sure but I don't know what to sing." "Oh don't worry Sun. It will come to you." Chica said as she came downstairs. I sighed and stated to get the tables set up. The bar soon then opened and I got everyone seated.

                                      It was now time for me to sing and I got changed into something better. I picked a song and Chica got it all set up. Once everyone was seated and had a drink I waited for the beat to kick in. Once it did I came out from behind the curtains and began to sing my heart out. Once again I directed my sung to Freddy. I knew it would piss him off but Bendy would make sure that doesn't happen.

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