Chapter 21

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                           I woke up early the next morning and I could smell coffee. I sat up on the couch and looked around. I saw Cassy in the kitchen making coffee. I got up off the couch and headed into the kitchen. "Morning Sun just finishing the coffee." "Thank you." "So did you and Moon break up?" "No we didn't break up." "So where were you staying?" "With Bendy and Alice." "Ah so that's why I couldn't pick you up." "Some what." She crossed her arms and glared at me. "We also want people to think Moon's dead."

                            "Right." She handed me a cup of coffee and she sat on the counter. "So hows Moon taking this?" "So far not bad. But it is only day one." "True. Do people think your dead?" "No. They know I am alive. But I still have to be careful." She nodded her head and I drank my coffee. "Well I am gonna get dressed." She put her mug in the sink and headed down the hall. I got dressed myself and sat on the couch. I checked my phone and there was no messages.

                             An hour later Cassy and I where out shopping. We where currently in the grocery store when my phone went off. I got my phone out of my pocket and saw it was Moon. "Cassy I..." "Go. I'll meet you outside." I nodded my head and headed outside. "Hi." "Hello Sunshine. How are you?" "Tried." "Did you not sleep well?" I sat down on a bench and looked around. "Not really." "Where are you right now?" "At Grocery Mart." "Stay there." "Don't be stupid. You can't." "Have you forgotten who I live with Sunshine?"

                              "No I haven't." "Good now sit there." He hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket. "So how did the call go?" I turned and saw Cassy sit down beside me. "He's coming." "Is he stupid? He's gonna get himself killed." "He has a plan." "He better. So can I leave you here?" "Yeah I'll be fine." "Okay. Be home before eleven." "I will." She nodded her head and got up off the bench. "Tell him I said hi." I nodded my head and she left. "Glad I got here just in time."

                               I quickly turned around and noticed a familiar man behind me. I smiled and hugged him. "Hello Sunshine." "Hello Moonie." I whispered and he hummed. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" "Sure what do you have in mind." "The park." I pulled away from him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Are you sure?" "I am Sunshine." I smiled and we walked to the park. "From now on I will look like this in public. People know Moon's dead so." I nodded my head and we sat down in the grass.

                                "So tell me. Why didn't you sleep well?" "I am not used to not sleeping beside you." He took my hand in his and held it. "I missed you as well Sunshine." I rested my head on his shoulder. "I am sorry I did this to you." "No don't be sorry. I understand. You needed a break." I smiled and gave his cheek a quick kiss. "Thank you." "Your welcome Sunshine." He pulled me in for a kiss and I immediately melted into it.

                                A few hours later Moon and I parted and I walked back home. I knocked on Cassy's door but no one opened the door. I tried to open the door an surprisingly it opened. "Cassy!" I walked into the house and the grocery's where on the floor. "Cassy!" I called out again but still not a sound. I went to her room and knocked on the door. "Cassy?" I slowly opened the door and her room was dark. I walked around her bed and I saw her lying on the floor.

                               "Cassy!" I picked her up and she was stone cold. "No you can't be. Cassy please wake up." I lightly shook her but to no avail. I quickly pulled out my phone and called Bendy. "Bendy." I said crying into the phone. "That bitch what did she do to you?" "Bendy please." I cried and he seemed to calm down. "What's wrong?" "Help me." There was a beep then nothing. I sat there with her in my arms. Crying over her cold body.

                              "Sun!" I hugged her body close to me and felt footsteps coming closer. "Sun what happened?" I looked up at him and let her slowly go. "Shit what happened?" "I...I don't know." Bendy walked over and hugged me. "Its okay I am here. Its okay." Bendy helped me up and brought me out to his car. After sometime cops arrived and Bendy came out. 'She's gone. My best friend is gone.' I heard the car door open and Bendy got in.

                           "There gonna take over. Well figure out who hurt her." I nodded my head but never spoke. "Sun did anyone follow her home?" "Not that I know of. She would have called me." "True. Moon has no idea I left by the way. "I don't want him to know." "Do you not want to see him." "Not right now. I want to be alone." "Okay." We pulled up to the house and we both got out. Alice came out and she gasped. "Sun what happened?" I broke down into tears again and Alice hugged me.

                             After calming back down I headed up to another room. I passed by Moons and went into my new room. I shut the door and sat beside the bed. I sat in the quiet of my room until a knock interrupted it. I looked up and Alice came in. "I brought you some dinner." She shut the door and walked over to me. "I am not hungry." She sat beside me and put the plate in front of me. "Bendy told me what happened. I am so sorry."

                              "I could have saved her if it wasn't for Moon." "No don't think that. If it wasn't for Moon you could be dead and none of us would have known." I picked up the slice of bread and took small bites of it. "Does Moon know I am here?" "No. I just brought him dinner too. He hasn't come out of his room." "Oh." "He's not fairing to well to Bendy's magic." "Well its his fault." "That is true but he saved your life today." Alice then stood up and walked to the door. "Sleep well Sun you'll need it."

                              I wasn't tired. Not yet. I stayed on the floor and I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and saw it was Moon. "Hi." "Hey." "You sound awful." I said and Moon laughed. "So do you. Have you been crying?" "Yeah. I was watching a sad movie." "Ah. Are you alone?" "Yeah why?" "You where watching a sad movie by yourself?" "Yeah I didn't want Cassy asking me about our little meeting. "Ah. I see. "So why did you call?"

                                "Just called to say I love you." "I love you too. Have you eaten today?" "Please don't mention food." "To bad I just did." "Oh fuck you." "No thanks." Moon laughed and it lifted my spirits a bit. "I should get some sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning Sunshine." "Okay. Night Moonie." "Night." He hung up and I started to eat the dinner Alice brought me. Once I was done eating I got ready for bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

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