overworked *requested*

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you had been completely stressed out with, applying to colleges, and you had been pulling extra shifts lately trying to help pay for it. you were sat at your desk working on a college application essay.

you groaned loudly, you were exhausted. as soon as you got back home from working a double shift, and now you were writing an essay. you hadn't even talked to nick in a couple of hours, the last thing you had even said to him was a good morning text.

when you picked up your phone you realized you had several missed calls and 20 missed texts from nicolas. you opened them and immediately cursed. you tried to call him but he declined it. you got up immediately racing to pull on some cleaner clothes, then racing out to your car it was pouring of course it was.

you were soaked and your car was cold asf when you got in and at first it didnt want to start. as soon as it started tho you were off. you made your way to his house from yours. as soon as you were there you got out knocking on the door. Matt opened it "you fucked u-" as soon as he saw you he shut his mouth. "you look like shit, are you alright?" you shrugged. "can i just go see nick or you bring him here?" matt nodded "chris go get nick"

you heard a "yeah" come from chris as matt continued to stand at the door unsure of whether to let you in. "what happened? did you two get into a fight, all i know is he was very upset after you didnt show up? whyd you stand him up?" matt asked, it wasnt in a way that seemed like he was upset with you, more so concerned.

"yeah I'd like to know that too" an upset nicolas appeared from behind matt, he looked about as equally concerned as matt when he saw your appearance. "actually that can wait, chris go grab a towel and matt dont make him stand out in the rain." nick ushered you in grabbing the towel from chris as he reappeared chris looking concerned as well as he finally saw the state you were in.

you were soaked, you had bags under your eyes, you were shaking probably from the cold, and you looked like you were sick and exhausted. "holy shit" nicolas turned around hitting chris then pulling you back towards his bedroom. he quickly pulled out some dry clothes for you to wear. he turned around letting you get changed.

"you can turn around" he did "whats going on?" and thats when you started trying to explain. "im so so so sorry, i didnt mean to forget. i promise i didnt do it on purpose. i had gotten off of work, and then the first thing i tried getting down was one of those stupid fucking college application essays. and all it did was give me a fucking essay. and then i remembered and i had checked my phone and i went to call you, but you well i understand why youd be upset. id be upset with me too. and then my stupid fucking car wouldnt fucking start and it was raining-"

he cut you off engulfing you in a hug, you melted into his touch. you put your head in the crook of his neck as sobs seemed to overtake you. "hey, youre alright" he gently rubbed your back calming you down. he kissed your head lightly.

after you had finished, he pulled away looking at you. "have you eaten yet today, at all bub?" you thought back throughout the day trying to remember of you had even eaten anything. "you worked a double shift back to back, and then went to write an essay and you didnt think to squeeze eating in there bub? you have breaks at work, right?" you looked down.

"i have breaks i just spent them working on essays..." you looked off into the distance. "well then, lets go send matt and chris out for food" he pulled you out of his room with him.

"hey, do you two want to get mcdonalds? y/n hasnt eaten yet today, and im also hungry" nick asked looking at chris and nick who were in the kitchen. "uh, yeah. sure!" nick pulled you back to his room as his siblings left. he sat down on his bed, pulling you into him. "you work yourself far too hard" you laughed a little. "says the one who stays up all night editing a video that has to go up the next day" he laughed lightly "okay but i dont do that every day"

you laid your head on his shoulder. "seriously though bub, you've gotta go take it easier on yourself. youre gonna work yourself to a burn out" he wrapped his arms around you. "after you eat, youre going to sleep. I'll put on a movie and we can cuddle, but you have to sleep. when was the last time you even got actual sleep?"

"last week, when you stayed over and i fell asleep watching those cheesy poorly made movies" he looked at you sympathetically. "you could've texte me, or called me. of you need anything or your struggling or anything please dont hesitate to talk to me." he kissed your head. " i appreciate that, im just not used to asking for help or even talking about how i feel. im working on it, but its difficult"

he nodded "i get that bub, but i just want you to know i am here, and ill help as much as i can without judgement" you smiled at him "i really, really appreciate it"  you let out a yawn. "no youre definitely eating before you fall asleep, i will not allow you to just not eat. youve gotta stay up for a little bit longer." you smiled at him nodding.

"that works" he grabbed his laptop pulling up netflix. "so what should we watch?"

the rest of the night was spent eating the food, his brothers had gotten you two. and then finally falling asleep tucked into his side.

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