*requested* "i think youre perfect"

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you had just gotten to nicks place, you knocked his brother, Matt opening the door letting you in. he told you where you could find nick, so you made your way towards nicks room. the door was locked, so you were forced knock.

"go away, i dont want to talk chris" you could hear a strain in his voice. it sounded like he was holding back tears. "baby, its me. open up please, im worried" you heard some shuffling behind the door. it was opened to reveal a disheveled looking nick. he looked like he hadnt been getting proper sleep, or really been taking care of himself.

you immediately engulfed him in your arms. "whats going on baby?" he just let you hold him tears spilling past his eyes. moved you both a bit further into the room closing the door. he didnt mind crying in front of his brothers, but you figured this might be personal he might want it private as he told his brothers to go away.

"i just-" he stopped for a moment trying to control his breathing. you started playing with his hair, still holding him close to you. "hey its okay, you can talk when youre ready" he just held onto you as he cried.

eventually you both moved onto his bed, he laid on your chest as you played with his hair. "you wanna tell me whats up bub?" he looked up at you. "i uh- i just ive been feeling really self conscious lately. i just i saw some comments said about me online and they just, they really affected me i guess. i know its probably stupid"

you cut him off "thats not stupid, id feel the same way if it was said about me" you kissed his head. " i want you to know, despite what anyone says that i think your perfect. i know that doesn't exactly and might not even help at all. but genuinely i think you always look amazing." he smiled up at you " that does help" he gently kissed your cheek. "genuinely it does make me feel better that you find me attractive"

you smiled at him, you both spent the rest of the night cuddling, and watching his favorite movies.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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