Jail Cells

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I'm surrounded by cells, with a zombie in almost every other cell. 

"Damn Umbrella.." I whispered under my breath.

( Y/N was wearing a (f/c) shirt, (f/c) jeans, (f/c) flannel and black combat boots. And had been equipped with a 10mm handgun)

I had been sitting in the corner, head between my knees, staring at the ground. I kept hearing footsteps walk by, but I think nothing of it because it was being drowned out by the screaming and bashing from the other cells.

There was a beep that was about 3 seconds long, followed by all the cell doors opening. 

"Sh-t" I stood up.

A handful of zombies tumbled over each other, stumbling towards a certain place down the hall.

Except one had turned to enter my cell.

I struggled to grab my handgun when the thing lunged at me, causing me to fall backwards. I held my arms up, deflecting its face. I don't want to die. I tried to grab my gun again, and this time, It had rolled next to me, brains splattered on the wall. I huffed. 

It wasn't long before a flashbang was thrown and an eight foot tall humanoid had began marching through the hallway, ducking underneath the doors.

I heard a voice down the hallway, procrastinating.

"HEY, IN HERE!!" I yelled from the cell, if it means I at least get to save a life, I'll take my chances.

The thing turned to look at me, examining. Clearly it had a target and it wasn't me. Its like this thing was ordered to kill certain things. Of course Umbrella is behind this.

I didn't get a good look at the person, but they began feeding shotgun shells into the humanoid. It fell to the floor, leaning down. It was stunned.

"Hey! Get out of there!" The unknown voice yelled. Y/N quickly dashed out of the cell, with the guy following after her.

We ran out of the jail area, and into the garage. I haven't seen it, because that stupid Umbrella worker, Annette. Was the reason I was put into that cell in the first place. We were walking, taking caution. The guy was wearing an R.P.D uniform 

"raccoon police department?" - Y/N

"yeah! Officer Leon Kennedy." - He held his hand out, to which Y/N shook it.

A brick had skidded and cut my ankle. The humanoid had burst through the wall.

The thing had picked up Leon by the throat, he was struggling and gripping its hands. A trucks lights had turned on, It crashed into the thing, and dropped Leon.

Leon was on the floor, coughing and gasping for air. 

A girl comes out of the truck, wearing a beige trench coat.

Leon got up, and they started arguing. The cut wasn't that bad, I was still able to walk. 

"What is that thing?!" - Y/N 

"Its names Mr. X. I'm Ada, you are?" - the lady said.

It started shifting the truck. 

"Ugh, nothing dies down here!" - Ada said, pulling out a C4 remote and blowing the truck up.

Ada was nagging Leon about the keycard to get out.

" Y/N" - Y/N said (Telling Ada her name)

She just ignored Y/N, She seemed jealous.

All three of us, walked over to the keypad to leave.

She leaned up against the door, all petty.

I don't like her.

The gates opened and she was listening to a tape Leon had passed her earlier.

Leon lagged behind, walking by my side.

"Sorry, she's kind of, you know, stuck up? But you get used to it" - LEON

I nodded.

We ended up at a gunsmith shop. There was some supplies. Leon took the ammo since he is more efficient with it. My handgun was empty. We took what we could. We ran into some conflict with a young girl and her father. He handed us a shotgun, said it might come in useful.

We began walking again and we came to a sewer entry. We all entered, Ada explained that the sewers lead to Umbrellas secret facility. Both Leon and Ada have a plan to destroy Umbrella, and take the G-Virus. Its not like I have anywhere else to go.

While this was happening, it sounded like there was an earth quake going on throughout the tunnels. Leon commented,

"sounds like an earth quake"

"I sure hope so.." - Ada.

We came to a catwalk. The walls started moving and the roof was crumbling. Y/N slipped. Leon quickly knelt down, grabbing onto Y/N. He couldn't hold on any longer, and dropped Y/N, Leon also followed Y/N down. 

"What are you doing!? You're going to get yourself killed!" - Y/N

"I'm not leaving you behind.." - Leon

They both looked at each other, then, the dark tunnel. A deep growl came from the tunnel. 

"What the hell is that!"

A massive mutated alligator splashed out from the water. It looked as if it had grown over 12 meters in length. Moss was covering it. It huffed.

"Leon.." Y/N said while watching it and backing up.

"Leon run!" - Y/N said as they both began running. 

I have never seen an alligator run this fast. We dodged it multiple times. It came to a stop when a massive gas pipe got caught in its mouth. 

Leon threw his handgun at me.

"Shoot the pipe!" - Leon

The thing exploded millions of pieces, just twitching. The force of the blast had sent us flying, We were both sitting on the floor.

"Leon, Y/N, up here" - Ada said annoyed as she dropped down a ladder.

~Not Leaving You Behind~ Leon x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now