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Hi Everybody, I just wrote an epic storyline for a Justice League movie. It's called "Jesse Eisenberg turns into a warlock" (working title). I hope you like it.

–List of Characters

       Snyder's Justice League

Lex Luthor

Green Lantern as John Stewart (from the comics)

Martian ManHunter

—cue Stevie Wonder's rhythmic tunes

Slow open on Superman walking around Kent Farm enjoying the sun and looking at the wooden barn. Cut to Lois Lane running around in Metropolis entering a building and looking at a billboard of the Daily Planet. Cut to Perry White showing the paper of the day saying something heartwarming. Cut to Flash getting caught on a police camera for stealing a bagel, while on his way to class. [Cut to] Aquaman riding a killer whale with fellow Atlantians near the horn of Africa. Wonderwoman in Themascyra doing WW things. Bruce Wayne exiting a building in Gotham during a street fair, nearly harassed by photographers, with some supermodels entering a white tesla sedan. Cut back to Kent Farm, Superman sits down on a bench in the field as his dog comes chasing. They cuddle very wholesomely... when Superman hears something and faces up to the sky. Close up of his eyes, reflected in them is a missile on its way to earth from space.

A Huge Alien Ship just warped between the Earth and the Moon and shot a planet-destroying missile at the blue planet. Superman reaches it just in time to tear it apart but gets shot by the ship in the process. Wonderwoman appears in full gold armor and completely covered by a beam of light around her body (allowing her to be in space) sticks her sword in the side of the ship. Cut to Batman seeing this from the Batcave. Back to Superman and Wonderwoman fighting the alien ship. Aquaman joins on an Atlantian water-space hover-ship and begins shooting at the aliens. Soon Batman and Flash join on Batman's ship and trigger the alien secret defense.

The battle gets worse. Cyborg appears in his regular suit but with a cap for air and is able to enter the ship. Wonderwoman and Flash (who is wearing a suit developed by Batman) will enter the alien ship too. Batman and Aquaman's ships will be hit while Superman will try to take down the ship's main engine. In the thick of the battle, Superman will get hit by a heavy purple ray gun that will cause him to black out and only then will Cyborg be able to cut down the ship's computer from within. Aquaman, in a fit of rage and despair seeing his friend disappearing into space, will blow up the alien ship, causing everyone in the JL to faint—in space. Superman fades into darkness. Long silence. Long wait. Jamie Foxx appears as Green Lantern and says "there you are", then grabs everyone, vaporizes the alien ship and takes the gang home.

<Main Title Sequence> <everybody looks soo cool> <Hans Zimmer's music fo sho>

Superman regains consciuosness on a planet called Goron [planet's name given in the corner of the screen, crypto-like font]. He's laying down in a forest, still wearing his superman suit. He seems to have landed safely and and not yet be in harm's way, he seems to have some trouble breathing but soon shakes it off. Alas, Goron is lit by a bright red sun and so Superman is rendered mostly powerless.

In the meantime: 

Back on Earth, Cyborg goes to a protest in Gotham [Batman will also be there, unnoticed by Cyborg], walking around in incognito because of his scars. At first he feels proud to be there as he sees the cohort of people fighting for justice against Luthor, who is apparently shutting down all his Nuclear Power Plants (constituting 90% of the country's total NPPs). However, just when Cyborg is finally starting to convince himself that humanity is not doing so bad (thanks to the protests)... he turns to an alley where a homeless person is being beaten to the ground by three thugs. Immediately he runs over to rescue the guy and give the group a lesson, but they escape and all Cyborg catches of them is a pin, on the ground, in the mud, depicting superman's home symbol...