The Lost Limb Ending

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 All In if Anne did lose a limb (s3 ep30)

The cuffs rattles echoed through the darkness, "How are we going to get out of here?" Sasha huffed trying her hardest to break free only making the rattling louder, "Frobo, can you get us out of here?" Asked Anne turning towards the upside-down frog robot. Frobo moved his eyes up and down, desperate to help find a way out, that's when it hit the robot.

A sizzling sound erupted around the group, the electricity that held their cuffs began to fade out, flickering light in the darkness that surrounded them, the robot had used his electricity to affect the cuffs own electricity, "You did it Frobo!" Polly wiggled out of her cuffs, following the lead of the others as they marched out of their little cell room and into one of the many long hallways of the castle, leaning against the wall to stay hidden they began preparing for the battle that was about to come.

"We have to destroy the Calamity Box" A serious tone took over Anne's usual optimistic one, placing her first in her other open hand "How do you suppose we do that, Andrias is probably guarding it, or worse, Darcy" Sighed Sasha, her head in her hands "So what? We still have to try!" The brown haired girl held her fist up into the air, trying to hype her friends up with little success "But...If you destroy the Calamity Box you won't be able to get home" Sprig looked up at Anne, searching her face for any thoughts, a sliver of sadness drifted over her features for a split second before it was replaced with determination "It'll be worth it" She smiled at the frogs and toads around her, her I suppose you could say, family.

The group snuck around the castle, keeping to the shadows as to not be spotted by anyone. "There, that's where their keeping it" Olivia pointed towards two large doors leading to the throne room, "We don't know what we're going to find in there, but I want you all to know that Amphibia is the best thing that's happened to me, the Plantars will always be my family and Sasha, you're my best friend, even if you were a bit...."Anne trailed off staring at the blonde girl in front of her, "Manipulative? I know...I'm sorry, but don't talk like that Boonchuy because we're going to survive and we will save Marcy and find a way home! We have to!" everyone looked at her, anticipating her next move, "Let's get this over and done with".

General Yunan was the first to step forward, her sword held upright in front of her face, prepared to engage the enemy at any moment, the silence grew around them etching into their brains as they waited for her first move, "Bam!" The door banged open, hitting the wall, creating a disturbingly loud noise, "Maybe we should be a bit quieter.." Critiqued Sasha taking Yunan's place up front, the general was about to make a retort but when Olivia placed her hand on the royal guards shoulder, she thought better of it and decided to stick by the royal advisors side instead.

The group moved in on the rooms centre, still no box in sight..."Boo!" A voice called from the shadows, a figure latched on Anne from the darkness, small hands grabbed at her, pulling her hair, the owner of them cackling as they did so, claws ripped along bare flesh leaving large scars all over the poor girls body, "Leave her alone!" The oldest Plantar screamed as he came down on the enemy, causing them to lose their grip on Anne "Sprig!" She ran at the enemy with no hesitation, the young frog fell the floor with a loud "Thud!", Anger presented itself on Darcy's face. Anne stood up, grabbing Sprig, and retreated back to the group "Just give up!" Darcy Spat at them, poison laced their words, "No! We're saving Marcy and Amphibia and stopping you from taking over Earth!" The blonde stood up, face-to-face with them, "Come back to us Marce.." She breathed, sighing in defeat as Darcy just chuckled whilst running their finger under their eye, as if wiping away a tear "Heart-wrenching, truly" they grinned.

"Where's the Calamity Box?" Anne held a hand to her cheek, fresh blood ran down from her cheek to her neck to down her armour, her hands dyed red when she retracted them at the pain that was inflicted from the touch, "Oh you mean this?" They held it up in their hands, waving it in front of all the amphibians faces, teasing them all as they clenched their teeth. That's when out of the darkness blue skin shone in the little light that made its way through, a deadpan expression covered his features, amusement sparking through the emotion "Now, now Darcy, don't tease them" Andrias chuckled at the groups faces as his appearance changed the determination to fear, "So.. Do we have a plan?" Sasha whispered into Anne's ear as they retreated, moving back to the doors they entered the room from, "Oof" Grime yelped, the group turned at the sudden sound, only to notice the now closed doors, they were locked in.

"We have to do something!" Sprig pulled his helmet straps down over his head anxiously as Darcy and Andrias gained in on them. A shine behind the enemy's caught Sprig's attention, the calamity box! Darcy had put it back down on the podium, "Anne!" The frog raised hands, trying to get the tween girls attention, diverting her eyes away from them she looked over at Sprig, she noticed his hands pointing forwards, past the others and towards a certain box that had been left behind, The Calamity Box. Without hesitation she lunged forward, just missing the giant hands of Andrias and the cords that slithered around Darcy in their attempt to stop her. "No!" Andrias' deep voice boomed as Anne continued towards the box, "Stop her!" the corrupted voice of Darcy bounced off the walls of the large room as Andrias ran at her, hands outstretched, ready to wrap around the girl's body,

A sudden sword sliced into the giants hand "Go now Anne!" Sasha's sudden appearance surprising everyone, Anne stood in shock for a second before moving in on the box.

She was inches away from the box before Darcy appeared in front of her "Uh uh uh" They wiggled their finger before swinging their scythe, just missing Anne's nose as they brought it down on her, Sasha still fighting Andrias behind her was occupied, it was just Anne versus Darcy. She didn't want to hurt Marcy, she was still in there, she had to be. Darcy jumped at her, weapon raised at Anne, she put her hands up and grabbed the hilt, the two of them tugging back and forth until Darcy pushed her onto her back, leaning over her trying to rip away the scythe from the young girls grip with little success, Anne used her position to use her legs to kick Darcy away, stunning them for a moment and in those seconds Anne was able to fully take a hold of the weapon, she held it above her head and stared down at Marcy's small, petite figure before landing the final blow, the tip dug into The Core's helmet breaking it into two as it fell off of Marcy's head, uncovering her face, the one that Anne that hadn't seen in so long.

Anne breathed in and out unevenly, tiredness taking over, no, she couldn't submit. She stood up, ignoring the way her entire body ached as she fell to the floor beside her friend, tears began to bubble in her eyes as looked longingly at Marcy, sweeping her messy hair out of her face to get a better view. "You are no match!" Andrias' sudden speech of triumph catching her off guard as she realised what was going on, "The box" whispered Anne to herself, diverting her gaze to the box that sat atop of the podium.

She carefully stood up, shaking at the sudden rippling pain coursing through her body, she ignored it as she made her way towards it, "No, stop!" The giant blue Newt turned to Anne, ignoring the blonde tweens attempts to get his attention. He ran towards Anne as she grabbed the smooth and familiar wood of the Calamity Box in the palm of her hand, blue essence emitting from her as she diverted her powers to her arm, turning her fore-arm completely blue as if she were wearing a glove, she grabbed the gems from the box and gripped them tightly, green, blue and red essence slowly drifting off as she destroyed them, her own powers flickering as the source broke into a million tiny pieces, screams from Andrias could be heard just behind the girl, as well as a familiar voice calling her name, Marcy. As the tiny pieces of the destroyed gem fell from her hands, Anne's own powers began to fade, turning into ashes, but as her powers began to fade so did her arm, the one that she had used to destroy the crystals was also being destroyed, her cries of pain flooded the room as she fell to ground, her knees digging into the concrete floor as she did so.

Suddenly it all went quiet, Anne sat on the floor in complete shock, the adrenaline kicking in as she looked down to her arm, which was no longer there, only up from the elbow survived. "Anne!" Sprig, Marcy and Sasha called in unison as they ran to their friends side, noticing the distraught look on her face as she held her arm with her other hand. Sasha gasped, her hand covered her mouth as she noticed her best friends missing fore-arm, Marcy just sat there, confused, and afraid as tears fell down from her eyes and Sprig, he looked as if he was about to throw up from the sight, his usual bright pink had turned to a more pastel. The rest of the group walked over when they noticed the scared faces of their friends and family, the sudden sight of the missing arm turned their stomachs.

Andrias had retreated, likely formulating a new plan whilst all frogs, newts and toads acknowledged Anne and her loss, her acts of heroism never to be forgotten. Now that they had foiled Andrias' plans he had nowhere to go, it was only a matter of time before he was caught, they had also saved Marcy, so now there was only one question left...Now how will the three tween girls get home?

Part 2? 

I will still write the different endings that could've occurred, but if you all want a part 2 of this "ending" I will grant that

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