Darcy ending

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All In if Darcy and Anne fought (s3 ep30)

The amphibians and humans tried with all their strength to break free from the cuffs that held their hands and feet, they were held in an upright position much to Anne's discomfort, as they tried and tried again to escape a loud ratting noise would echo around the group, burning their ear drums, the group was tied in a circle, facing one another, disappoint flared in their eyes. It was useless, they weren't going to get out, they weren't going to save Marcy and the rest of the universe, if only they had a way out or had never gotten caught in the first place, Anne couldn't help but feel guilty for everything.

Sasha noticed the distraught expression on Anne's face, "Don't beat yourself Anne, it's my fault as much as yours" she sighed,

"It's neither of your faults" Hop pops sudden interruption surprising everyone in the room, "You were both just trying to save Amphibia, oh, I wish you hadn't gotten yourselves involved, you can't go home to Mr and Mrs Boonchuy if you're dead",

"Hop pops got a point you know" Polly's shrill voice echoed through the room,

"Yeah, your family took us in when we had nowhere else to go, they're probably waiting for you" Sprig voiced, his words encouraging Anne to do something, do anything, so that she, Sasha, and Marcy could go home and see their families.

"How do we get out of he- "The blonde girl was cut off by a sudden movement in the doorway, Darcy, an evil smile plastered on their face, their many eyes squinted as if looking for something in the darkness of the room, the only illumination the sparks of the cuffs that held them and the purple glow that emitted from their cell.

The group all lifted their head in unison at the unwanted guests presence, growls and snickers could be heard from the amphibians. Anne's chest plate shone in the sliver of light that made its way into the room, catching Darcy's attention as they made their way towards her, their hands outstretched, reaching for Anne's head as she moved around, avoiding their touch until she finally gave in, dropping her head down. Darcy grabbed her chin, a rattle of metal called behind them as Sasha tried to break free and help her best friend "It's useless, when will you get that through your head?" Their corrupted voice rang in the blonde's ears "Don't touch her!" She spat, clenching her teeth as she shot daggers with her eyes at them, they chuckled in response, turning their attention back to Anne as she wriggled in their grip, sweat dripped from her forehead from her attempts to break free.

"Tell me, how did you get your powers?" Their question caught Anne off guard as she stopped wriggling for a moment, eyeing what once was her best friend suspiciously "Why do you want to know?" She questioned "Just answer the god damn question!" They seethed, digging their claw-like fingers deeper into Anne's skin, puffing her cheeks up as blood began to run down her face, Sasha behind them once again rattled the cuffs as Darcy just rolled their many eyes. They inched closer to Anne, their warm breath on her face now "I don't know" She held her breath, closing her eyes as she awaited some sort of punishment, as if Darcy would believe her.

Anne opened her eyes after a few seconds, feeling a sudden cold texture skim across her cheek, sending shivers down her spine, The Calamity Box, the familiar wooden box hovered in front of her eyes "They have to somehow be connected to the Calamity Stones, if only I knew what awakened them so I could stop the other one from getting hers" Darcy said to no one in particular

"Uh, rude" Scoffed Sasha just visible behind the small structure of Darcy,

"What are your powers really capable of?" they questioned, they're gaze digging into Anne, sending a shiver down her spine. Using all her will power she stared straight back, surprising the adversary as they clenched their fist at their side, a wicked smile slithered up their face, a sunken feeling arose deep down in Anne as the floor beneath the group began to tremble "I guess I'll have to find out the hard way"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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