Shared // Nayeon and Jihyo

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G!P Nayeon and Jihyo

Stretching, you relaxed once more in your girlfriend's lap, lounging together on the couch with her best friend and roommate while a movie played, but you were only half paying attention to it.

"Hey Jihyo," Nayeon spoke up suddenly, her hand tracing idle shapes against your bare shoulder. Jihyo turned her attention to your girlfriend, pulling her eyes from the movie.

"Wanna have a threesome?"

Nayeon nonchalant question took her friend aback, and Jihyo face instantly turned red. "W-what?" she spluttered, her eyes quickly darting to you, then her friend, and then quickly away.

"You heard me," Nayeon drawled, glancing down at you as a grin tugged at her lips. "Seen the way you're always lookin' at y/n, like a damn lovesick puppy."

"I-I—" Jihyo stuttered, tensing on the other end of the couch, obviously trying to find something to say, to deny it, afraid of what her friend might do. Surely she wasn't being serious?

"Don't deny it. I not mad," Nayeon huffed, leaving Jihyo even more confused, flushing afresh as she met your shy gaze. "Can't exactly blame you, she's fuckin' gorgeous," Nayeon continued with a shrug, still rubbing circles against your back.

"But—" Jihyo stopped to swallow "—what about y/n...?"

"What about her?" Nayeon asked hand curling under your chin, gently raising your face to look at her, stroking your cheek. "I see her looking at you too," she said, her teasing grin turning soft. "You'd like that wouldn't you, Princess? Wanna be shared?"

Jihyo waited, barely daring to breathe as she watched the absolute trust in your gaze as you looked from Nayeon to her.

"Sounds nice," you murmured, smiling at her, slowly pushing up from Nayeon's lap.

"I—but—You're always so—When it comes to y/n you— Why me?" Jihyo asked, stumbling over her words, mouth going dry as you crawled toward her, beckoning her closer.

It was no secret how possessive Nayeon was.

The girl shrugged. "Wouldn't trust anyone else."

Crawling into Jihyo lap, your lips curl at her dazed expression before they pressed softly to her, drawing a surprised groan from her, her body going tense.

"You're so cute, Jihyo," you murmured, nipping at her bottom lip as your eyes flicked up to hers. "I've had a little crush on you for a while. So not fair my girlfriend's best friend's so hot," you purred, your tongue swiping against her lip.

"Oh fuck," she breathed, finally opening her mouth to you as her eyelids fluttered, her hands sliding up your sides, dragging your oversized t-shirt up, her fingers digging into your flesh as you slipped your tongue into her mouth, kissing her thoroughly.

Nayeon grinned from the other side of the couch, her gaze falling lazily to the curve of your ass as you kissed her friend, giving her a fantastic view.

"y/n, why don't you be a good girl and suck Jihyo's cock, yea?" she exclaimed, leaning back to watch, propping an arm behind her head as her free hand palmed herself through her loose sweats.

Moaning at your girlfriend's words, you let your hand trail slowly down Jihyo heaving chest as your tongue caressed hers, drawing it between your lips to suck on before pulling back with a slick pop, your fingers dancing over the hem of her shirt.

"Is this okay?" you whispered, your eyes finding Jihyo, already wide and lust blown as her mouth fell open and she nodded wordlessly, pausing to swallow before speaking.

TWICE X FEM READER SMUTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora