The Rescue P2

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.

Notes: A continuation from the last chapter as they try to get Karen to safety.

TW: Imagery of abuse, neglect, and blood.

And when he tried to get up, Ethan stomped on him holding him down just as Elbert had done to Karen numerous of times before breaking her some of her ribs.

Then, when they watched the wall open up all the way revealing the cell door they couldn't believe their eyes.

"That's NOT MY FUCKIN' SISTER, THE FUCK YOU DO TO HER?!" Dorinda hollered at him with a hoarse voice as more tears came running down her face not believing her eyes and Elbert just chuckled again not caring that Dorinda started crying and she hated crying so, this was bad for them. "Where's the fuckin' keys to open it?" Jacky asked him as walked up to him pointing her gun to his head. "In the desk drawer" he said and Drew walked over there to get it while Jacky watched walk over there to check too see if it was really her and after, Drew opened up the cell he walked in gently lifting up Karen's head as she looked like a completely different person seeing that her whole entire face was swollen, had deep scars and burnt marks all over her face.

"K-Karen?" Drew nervously asked this woman in front of him thinking that Elbert had to have had a different woman and that he was just fucking with them since he said that she was already dead and it was really too late to save her. But when, Drew tried to see if the woman was still alive since she was cold he once again gently tried to open up her half-swollen eyes only for them to seemingly roll back on their own as he nearly dropped her head down in fear. But then he thought to himself that Karen had two scars on her thighs one on each side and then seeing her ripped up skirt his heart starting beating faster remembering that Karen was wearing this outfit the last time he saw her.

So, he checked the women's legs to see if there were two scars on her legs that he would normally kiss on Karen's any time they would make-love and when they would fuck he would gently run his hand's over them seeing that it would still hurt her from time to time because she never got stitches for it like she needed too and Jacky only knew how to do certain stitches since her father had pulled her out of school before she could get her next training for nursing to go on furthering her education and so, he paid for what he wanted her to know and how too do it. So, Jacky could only do so much for her sister that night seeing that their father didn't want them to help her no way. Which was why he pulled, Jacky out of nursing school and put her in his own personal crooked nursing school that they all knew about with legit nurses who taught for him.

So, Drew ran his hands on both of the scars knowing that it was in fact, Karen as he knew how they felt and he knew where the scars were before Elbert had beaten and taken advantage of her this badly.

"It's her." Drew said getting mad all over again seeing how messed up his girl's face was and just her whole entire body in general as he examined her seeing the long scar on her stomach that he knew Elbert had given her and Drew started thinking the worse of the worst as he couldn't get the thought out of his mind. "Karen." Drew said seeing that Karen was now struggling to breathe as he quickly tried to unlock the chains and she just fell on him like she was dead weight as he caught her laying her down gently on the messed up and rank bed carrying her bridal style ignoring the fact that the cell was just foul and unsanitary. He noted how, Elbert had Karen living like a dog and when he made sure she was safe as she could be, Dorinda quickly turned her gun back on her father as they were all about ready to kill him. "STEP THE FUCK BACK!"

Drew hollered at them stopping her from killing him as his voice sounded a bit demonic but that was only because he was mad as hell which they understood. But right when, Elbert tried to launch his bloody self at him after getting up, Drew don't know what came over him but it was like Elbert unleashed a devil as he was ripping him limp from limp using his nails to dig deep within his skin. "You wanted her to feel pain?" Drew rhetorically asked him. "Well nigga now you finna feel it!" He shouted trying his damnest to crack all the bones in his body after he ripped up some of his skin stepping on his bones much like what Elbert did to Karen while Ethan stomped the man in his head making him scream out in pain.

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