The News

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Clark Sisters.


The Sheard's find out what's wrong with Karen.

Upon waking up, Karen realizes that she's laying in a hospital bed and right before she could call for a nurse her husband and sisters crowd the room rushing over to her. "Sweetheart." Drew said kissing Karen's forehead. "I'm so glad we came back early from our honeymoon." He told her as he held her hand and Karen looked around as she was tired. "Dreww." Karen slightly whined rubbing her stomach. "Why-why am I here?" Karen asked not remembering what happened right away. "Well baby you fainted don't you remember that you were sick earlier and we came home from our honeymoon?" Drew had asked her again as he was still rubbing her hand and then he gently kissed it. And it took, Karen a minute but then when she remembered after looking at everyone around the room she dropped her head back on the hospital bed pillows.

"Well, did they find out what was wrong with me?" Karen asked as she didn't notice the symptoms since it was still kind of early too tell and that was when the doctor walked back in.

"Mrs.Sheard I'm glad to see you awake." Her doctor said and Karen just nodded her head in agreement not knowing what to say since she was kind of nervous about what was going on with her body. "Can you tell me what's wrong with me?" Karen asked as she was tired of this suspense since everybody was just staring around her especially since, Dorinda refused to leave Karen's side and then the doctors just had to let the sisters stay in since they were her immediate family. "Is it my eating disorder?" Karen asked her doctor as she was worried that it could've gotten worse. And the doctor pursed his lips.

"It's not that Mrs.Sheard." He said looking at Karen and then back at Drew. "So, here in your charts it looks like you're just a few weeks pregnant." The doctor said. "HUH?!" Karen asked scrunching up her face like her and Drew hadn't been gettin' it in for the last couple of weeks.

"You're pregnant." Her doctor said again and Drew just had a look of shock on his face. "I.. KNEW IT!" Dorinda screeched. "Be quiet, Doe everyone knew that Karen was gonna be pregnant before she went on her honeymoon these two newly weds just didn't know it as per usual with them." Jacky said.

While the couple was in shock everyone else was rejoicing. "That means yo ass was pregnant on your wedding day." Dorinda said as she was pleased with herself knowing that she had called it at the reception. And then, Drew finally snapped out of being shocked as he blanked his eyes. "I mean...I did say that she could have been pregnant." Drew said as his hands slowly went over his head. "We gonna have another baby." Drew smiled as he processed this information. But suddenly, Karen didn't look too happy about being pregnant like she thought she would've been.

"Karebear what's wrong?" Dorinda asked seeing that her baby sister wasn't into the celebratory mood as she pulled up a chair beside her bed. "I'm to old too have more babies." Karen said. "Apparently you're not considering how your charts look." The doctor said as he had looked over them just to make sure even though the hospitals pregnancy tests were 99.99% accurate which was why it was so important to get one from the hospital to confirm if you were pregnant or not.

"It might be a little risky but you're certainly not too old. You don't even look like it." The doctor said as he started to stare at his wife a little too hard and Drew just backed him up a little making the doctor re-focus. "But all you need to do is to set you up a follow-up appointment and I'll be giving you the prenatal vitamins and you'll be discharged soon." He said and the doctor left the room with Drew kissing his wife's hand. "We gonna have another baby." Drew smiled as he kissed her lips and Karen kissed him back feeling a little bit better.

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