The Healing

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The air in their city of tents was thick with the anxiety flowing throughout it. Jessica had been put in a small guarded tent, they didn't know what to do with her. They could have no trial nor sentence for her with nothing to enforce it. Elih had barely slept these past couple of days, and a constant weariness was setting in as well as the ever present hollow feeling in his chest.  

" Elih, we have to do something. " Said Joseph who walked in the burnt village alongside him. Elih ran a hand over his face, not wanting to think about such things.  

" They'll be wanting an answer about Jessica, we can't just keep her tucked away in a tent. " 

" I know Joseph. " He rumbled, voice slightly muffled by his still present hand.  

" She killed Hilda, maybe Eric. People want her to answer for that. "  

" I Know Joseph. " He said a bit more impatiently. Joesph open his mouth to argue the point further, but seemed to think better of it, and closed it again.  

Elih had come to their ruined home in order to try and think through his problems. Once again they were low on food, the hunting parties were inexperienced when it came to hunting their abundant rabbits, and the deer and elk that they were used to were now scarce. The only healer they had left was a deranged killer. Half the village was down with white cough. And He had let in a shifter, much to the grievance of most the population. 

They came upon the graveyard, only the stones that were where the wooden fence had been had been marred by ash and soot. He knelt in the snow, staring at the two graves in particular. Jared's had been closer to the fence, and half it's surface had been blackened. Rachel's was clean, but worn from years of bearing the elements. The were simple stone tablets, with terse and simple words painstakingly carved into the cold stone. He reached a hand out to his wife's headstone, trying to clear the thoughts that ran amok within his mind. Why had Hilda hated his wife so, what had she done to earn the hatred of a healer woman.  

" Was Hilda wrong Joseph?" The older man looked to Elih, and saw a man too young to have so much gray in his dark hair, Too vital to be half dead with the cares and burdens he bore alone, and too dignified and proud to have his shoulder slump so low.  

" Hilda may have been insane in the end Elih, but she knew who killed her, and she spoke inspiring words of truth. I doubt she would see things so clearly in the end only to overlook your capabilities. " Elih stood, looking like a tower among primitive huts with his massive height.  

" It's just... every time it feels like I'm about to stand on my feet again, something happens to kick them out from under me once more. How am I ever to properly lead our people if I can't even control my own problems. " Joesph put a wrinkled yet strong hand of comfort on Elih's shoulder, having to reach a bit to do so. 

" Do not fret for us Elih, you've done right by us. It's true that you have been given much more then what seems like your your fair share of trials, but they are a test. The Father does not give you more then you are able to bear. " Elih stared down at the twin graves, feeling so very lost.  

" It's just too hard. I can't do it anymore." His voice broke as he said it, and hot tears stung his eyes, but he did not let them fall. Joesph took on a stern look as he shook Elih's shoulder roughly.  

" Here now Elih! You've never been one to whine nor quit. Let's not start now. This is the time for you to be your strongest if you ever hope to get through it. Like all things, it'll pass with time. " Elih nodded, taking in a deep breath to sooth away his emotions, things he used to only deal with on occasion were now bothering him every day. Running his fingers over the rough stone tops once more before be parted, Elih turned to dip his head in thanks to Joesph.  

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