Quincy and the wolf

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Raiyne sat hidden and silent in her True Form, watching Eric kiss the healer girl Jessica. She had seen Jessica kiss him first, and it had surprised her, but the last thing she had thought would happen was Eric happily kissing her back.  

Though it was irrational, she felt a pang of hurt, Eric had always been by HER side, talked with her, taught her the confusing customs of his the village Barisinat.  

Eric was hers, at least, she had hoped he was.  

Raiyne padded away on silent wolf feet, feeling as lost and abandoned as she had when she first awoke.

Quincy plodded nervously through the forest, his son Andrew confidently strutted about, even whistling every now and again.  

" What are you doing?" 

" I'm calling shifters. I want to tell them they can come out now. " 

Quincy stared at his son in dismay, ever since the battle he had gone about telling everyone they wern't dangerous. He was convinced the wolf had saved him, along with the escaped 'Big Deer'.  

" Don't tell anybody about that, alright shifters don't save people, they're killers. Now run along back to Mother. " Andrew gave him one of his angry glares before trudging off towards the house. 

Quincy wandered deeper into the forest, growing more and more nervous the further he got. Curse the fact his family needed to stock up on firewood for winter. Twriling the axe in his hand, he shoved his unease down and continued on.  

He pushed through a screen of colored leaves and stumbled upon Elih's son Eric kissing the healers apprentice. They didn't notice him for a moment, and for a second, all Quincy could do was blink. When Jessica's breath started to hitch with excitement, he loudly cleared his throat.  

The pair broke apart, Eric blushed and scratched the back of his head, looking gawky and awkward with his impressive height. Jessica on the other hand looked oddly triumphant and satisfied. She eyed him in a cocky sort of fashion that suggested no embarrassment at being caught.  

" Eric? I thought you and Raiyne were harvesting the feilds today?" Guilt covered his embaresmet, and he hastily looked around for the girl. 

" I, uh. I have to finish the harvesting. " Eric lamely stated. He gave a tentative smile at Jessica, and ducked his head as he hurried past Quincy, leaving him and Jessica alone. He turned to her, eyebrows raised. 

" Funny how I heard Mister Jemerson telling you where Eric was, and who specifically he was with." Finally a pink flush blossomed over her cheeks. Her mouth worked away for a moment without accomplishing anything. After a moment, she cast her eyes down and slipped away towards the village.  

He watched her go, feeling tiered and worn. He hoped Raiyne hadn't been around to see that. The poor girl had already been through enough. Waking up with no memory, no idea where she was or where she had come from. Quincy felt alot of pity for Raiyne, but he had consoled himself with how close she and Eric were becoming. Or at least how close they seemed.  

Shakeing his head and feeling old, Quincy hefted his axe to his shoulder and pushed deeper into the forest.  

After awhile he heard the faint 'crack' of dry twigs being stepped on.  

Quincy froze. He discreetly looked around him, trying to zone in on what had made the noise. Seeing nothing, he slowly stepped foreword, shifting the axe a bit. Something dark slowly slipped out from behind a tree.  

It was a wolf. No, not just a wolf, it was THE wolf. The wolf shifter he had sworn he killed. It paused to look back at him, and for the slightest breath of a moment, he couldn't help but admire it.  

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