Chapter 1: The beginning

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so, the beginning of your adventure starts here. Yes, yours.

(little note, if you are on a computer, there is an extension for your browser where you can replace 'Y/N' with your name! it works on lots of sites like Wattpad, Ao3, etc. but I will try not to use Y/N as much as I can cause I know how some people feel about it.) -UrWeirdUncle

For this adventure, you will need to input your name below

_ _ _ _ _ _


Y/N_ _ _


Is this name correct?
Yes        No


well this was odd...

This morning it felt just like an ordinary weekday; there was the usual public all around as if it was a day like any other. People passing by you on their way to work or on their way to school, talking with their friends or on the phone. Heck, you even saw some with their pets trotting on by. The usual busses passing by with passengers in their seats and the usual cars soldering down the road until the traffic lights turned red. It seemed just like a usual busy day like all the rest. Now it is rolling into the late afternoon and it seems like everything just

turned empty.

There was nobody in sight. Not a single person. You have not seen one person walk past you or on the other side of the road. It was probably because of how late it was getting, as the hours roll on during the day and into night, there are less and less people around, yeah, maybe that is the reason. The waiting turned the breeze that ghosted the air crisp as the seasons were beginning to shift from summer into autumn and it rolled around you like a ghostly feline as you continued to wait for the bus.

Why was it taking so long to arrive? That was the annoyance of having to take the bus every day.

Sometimes you would have to wait long, long periods for the bus to come late behind their schedule, and even then, it would be crammed full of people. Needless to say, some bus journeys were stuffy, hot and cramped. The sweaty smell roams the bus.

but this afternoon felt strange...

The empty street, the barren road felt...oddly comforting, like it was as if you had your surroundings all to yourself for a while. . .

Looking up ahead of the road, there seemed to be no sight of any people there either, it felt like everyone just got up and left somewhere but that idea felt impossible. It was more likely just not that busy of a late afternoon or there was just nothing to do at this time of day.

The bus was slowly started to slug around the corner and down the road towards your stop. It acted like a bringer of thoughts like what you should do when you get home. Maybe put on pyjamas and watch internet videos from your favourite YouTuber until you grow sleepy? Perhaps you would like to wind down with the hobby you love, to soothe the headache that is gently cranking at your brain. As the bus's doors opened, your legs went into autopilot as the walking on and scanning that ticket flashed past. You look around with the bus doors sliding shut with that ragged motion.

Why was there nobody here either? The seats were empty, all of them. It half made you want to ask the driver why the bus was empty, but it seems they felt your hesitation.

"Some kind of town event, I think. Anyway, go ahead and take your seat."

A town event? Now what kind of town event would be that important that there was almost nobody around? Now that confusion is in the air, it felt like the best was to shake it off, it could just be an odd day. Looking around at your empty audience of seats filled you with a guilty content. On the plus side, you can sit anywhere you want! Your seat of choice just barren and waiting for you! It felt...oddly nice. The seat gifting you a rest from your legs and standing as the bus began to move, the scenery you were standing in rolled past the windows slowly, leaving you once again to a dome of your thoughts, your ideas, your own wacky scenarios that fits with the music you listen to. It is all your own. For now, just sit and relax. Watch the outside just slowly roll past the bus windows and trail behind.

. . .

Well, the time just flew by, didn't it? Well, at least you are off the bus now. It rolling away leaving you to continue your journey home. The air felt more chilled than when you were waiting and the sky was beginning to grow a haze of yellow and orange on the horizon, the sun beginning to tip down so the moon could eventually rise. The path home is where you are walking to. Your main route home because it was the shortest route that saved you the sore shoes. But then again, the alternate route had a good scenery you could get lost in on a good day where you have the time to go on a nice walk. It seems...

What the hell?

It's blocked?

Barricading your way was cinderblocks and a line of traffic cones that stationed across the short pathway like soldiers, and a hazard sign barring in front.


What? Maintenance? Well, it may have been an inconvenience but that is not entirely something to hate, the amount of times you recall tripping over holes and loose ground feels like the reason the path is blocked off for now while the council works on it. Well, guess you have the take the longer path just around the bend. The headache dwelled to pound on you continuing to get this completely long walk over and done with so you could get down to the business of relaxing after this strange day. The path seemed to reach out and stretch ahead of you slowly walking along to gaze up at the shrubs and the trees that sided the path. The nature added a touch of colour to the ugly beige grey that is the ground and the shrivelled up dead leaves you walked on that peppered it. The hazy greenery and the twinkle of yellow just seemed to make you feel tranquile and...


the twinkle of yellow?

A shine of gold camouflaged in the grass, it was only a small sliver of whatever it was, soon becoming more visible to your eye as you drew closer to where it was. Lo and behold the twinkle took shape of a northern star with a trail of a chain that laid with the grass.

Maybe someone dropped this? But it didn't seem like anyone was coming back for it, the afternoon of empty streets and no people seemed to back up your thinking pretty good. The chain just shimmering in the late summer glow... leaning forward with your hand outstretched.

*You got the Star Necklace*

The untrusting collapsing of gravel cause your leaning forward to stumble and slip down the side of the path and tumble down. your head feeling like its being shaken and jolted to amplify the headache you have, only for the pain to spike straight up when your head banged against the ground as you continuing to tumble down. it slightly feeling like the dizzy thumps will continue on and on and on...for a moment there, or maybe many...were you riding on air? It felt like you were falling ...

The biggest pain was when you hit the bottom with a thud. The tumble causing aching sore pain in your joints and scrapes riddling your hands and small patches of your face. It had felt like you were taken on a spinning theme park ride that left you with an angry pain, dirt stained clothing and a faint tang of leaves and soil in your mouth that makes you splutter. The sore feeling racking your body like a wave as the headache finally manages to tear you a new one and knock you out cold. Would somebody come and find you? Would it go noticed that you might go missing? Those would be questions that would remain unsolved for the time being. For now, just let the feel of plush yellow plant-life break your fall. The flowers being like a bed for you as you slip out of consciousness.

For brief blurred could have sworn could hear very faint talking just down the hall...

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