bippity boppity boo I'm gonna traumatise you

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Flashback: giyuu pov

"I runned as fast as I could running wherever my tiny legs would take me.
I felt my heart jumping  out of my chest with each sound I could hear.
Why ...why does this happen to me 3 months ago I was happy nee-san was about to get married....until she got killed by a monster...a demon.
Nee-san I tried really but they wouldn't listen to me they thought I killed you they locked me up in a box with 0% hygiene.
It felt like hours I don't know where I am .
It began to become dark.
It was silent....but the silent was to loud.
I fell down on the cold snow-covered ground my lungs hurted from running for so long.
My headache become worse and my feet was bleeding...."



"I gasped for air as I fell in the ice cold water I tried to move and get back to shore but with difficulty since my body began to feel numb
The pressure of the water caused a stabbing pain in my eyes and ears... I tried to keep my head when water begins to seep into mine already tortured lungs and my body is a mass of pain and I know I'm dying... I remember that I screamed down there against a solid wall of water
I remember that I threshed and bobbed, as I finally got to the shore I lied on my back the last thing I saw was the moon...."

"It called out to was so beautiful" was my last thought before I passed out"

End of flashback...





"Hmggg" I groaned as I shot up and opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the light.

As I looked down to where the loud sound came from only to meet a Pretty tall girl who looked as the same length as me.
She had a glowing russet, reddish-brown Skin.”  she had big almond shaped eyes with a dark coffee color it was either she had big eyes or it was because of her glasses that seemed way to big for her.

'who are you where am I'm I asked her

She only looked at me with a dumb Cheshire like grin and as I was about to ask again she jumped on my bed and.....hugged

'HI MY NAME IS JIKA NO MEGAMI BUT YOU CALL ME JIKA!!!" sh- Jika said with a booming voice

'ok then jika where am I ' as I said that I looked around only to see a white void

'you are in the void you called out for me just as I called out for you'she shrugged'anyway I'm going to send you to the past when urodaki san found you'

'.....WHAT' I yelled

Clock breathing first form:Time skip(when GIYUU calmed down)

'Ok so you are going to send me to the past when urodaki sensei took me in and you want ne to grow stronger to kill muzan and save people and you also can talk to me through my mind and will help this whole journey.......'

'Yep that's about it also you have weekly ,dayly and monthly task that will help you grow stronger and gett more information to save people'

'...I am going wipe the floor with muzan'

'Ok good bye '

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