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While this is a judgement free role play, I feel the need to set a couple of rules due to the actions of others.

1. Under no circumstances with ANY BULLYING be allowed. If you are caught bullying or showing signs of attempting, you will automatically be blocked and will no longer be welcomed to role play here.

2. Please no over powered characters, you can have a strong character but they must have some sort of weakness to make it fair on the other role players.

3. There is to be NO judgement of any race, sex, gender, sexuality, or anything of the sort. I'm non-binary, I will NOT put up with it.

4. If you would like to use one of my Ocs please let me know before you use them with another person. It is ok to use them, just please ask me first.

5. Write in full sentence, I don't write like this:

Persephone:*picks flower and hands it to Hades*.

Please, do this:

Persephone reached down to pick a flower, standing back up to hand it Hades soon after.


Besides these few rules, please have fun!

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