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Name: Sora

Age: A little younger than Hecate
Sex: female

Are they a God/Goddess/immortal being?: She is a goddess, more specificly the goddess of Fertility

Are they a nymph? :No

Parents: unknown

Looks: She is a 5'4, with pastel pink skin contrasting with her sea green eyes and long dark blue hair. She's curved into a muscular, yet feminine shape. (She's thicc) She tends to wear elder gowns due to being one of the elders, though learns to dress casual over time.

Personality: She is stern in a sense though yerns for chaos. She is rarely angered and tends to have a mother like personality towards the younger gods and goddesses.

Ability: She gives the blessings of children to the humans along with God's and goddesses if they ask. She can control plant growth and summon new life out of thin air.

Strength: She can bring and control life, even if it's not so good.

Weakness: Her abilities become weaker when she grows tired or hurt. Every now and then she must hibernate.

Crush: Possibly Hades

Background: One day the earth had a terrible storm. There were floods, people and animals were killed. Trees were broken and a crack began to form in the earth's crust. In the middle of this crack a young girl began to arise. This was Sora, she lifted herself out of the crack with grace and began to look around. Plants would arise everywhere her foot would land. Automatically somehow, she knew what she had to do. She kneeled down and began to heel the crack, which healed the plants, which healed the animals, and finally the people. Standing back up she dusted herself off and found a pool of water to bathe in. As time went on and she got older, she somehow made her way to the Olympus. She made her own company and was consistently in a fight with Zeus who wished to not be overthrown by another elder god.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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