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TK was helping Nancy stocking the ambulance when he noticed Carlos walking towards him, looking all hot in his uniform. He couldn't help but check his boyfriend out and drool a little bit whose hip swing left and right with the stipe that holds his badge and gun. Nancy looked at his partner and then towards what he was looking at, more like who.

"Stop drooling and eye fucking your boyfriend in front of my ambulance, Strand." Nancy expressed her fake disgust.

"Shut up. You are not the partner I listen to you know." TK said without looking at her and still staring at his boyfriend.

"That hurt Strand!!!" Nancy screamed a bit loud so that the whole station could hear, or at least Carlos.

"Hey Nance! What did your partner do this time?" Carlos asked smiling while side hugging his boyfriend.

"Why do you immediately assume it's me?" TK whipped his head towards his boyfriend as fast as he could. Carlos didn't reply to that.

"Your little boyfriend here said I'm not the partner he listens to." It took Carlos few seconds to understand what she meant and when he got it, he couldn't stop smiling. "Well that makes sense Nance. I will always be the partner he listens to."

"Isn't that the other way around, Reyes? He has you wrapped around his finger all the time. And you started sound like him already" Nancy scrunched up her face.

"Well can you blame me? Look at that face!" Carlos said eying his boyfriend who is grinning ear to ear hugging him lightly.

"You two are lucky that I love you. Otherwise, I would have stabbed you two with this already." Nancy said raising the syringe she was holding.

Three of them laughed at that. "It was nice seeing you Nance. See you on Sunday. Or maybe the next hour who knows." Carlos said giving his friend a smile.

"Don't go behind the truck and make out with Strand, Carlos." Nancy for the infinity time gave them her fake disgusted face.

"Well, rest assured, I am actually here for the other Strand."

"Well, that doesn't sound good then. I take my words back." Three of them gave each other scandalous look before bursting in to a loud laugh.

"He is upstairs in his office." TK said.

"Can you please let him know I'm here? For personal reasons actually." Carlos pressed his lips together giving his boyfriend hopeful eyes.

"It's you Carlos. He loves you more than me. So go on." TK replied even if he had few questions, he wanted to ask but he decided to pick that up later at home.

"Okay then. See you later, tiger." Carlos gave him a peck on his right cheek and went upstairs.


"Hey Strand" Nancy called. "TK" she continued but TK didn't reply. He was busy staring in to space the way Carlos went. "TK STRAND!!"

"Oh my God Nance, can you please stop causing me mini heart attack with your sudden outbursts?" TK said holding his chest.

"Well, I called you before, you didn't reply." Nancy shrugged.

"What is it?" TK asked turning himself towards Nancy.

"Spill the tea about 'tiger'." Nancy said smirking at him.

"What tiger? Please don't tell me a tiger is on the loose after the bull. I can't do that again" Her partner was staring at her with shock in his eyes.

"Not the tiger tiger. But a tiger is definitely on loose. You." Nancy waved her eyebrows at him.

"You heard that!"

"I did." Nancy grinned.

"And you are not going to let me live until I spill, don't you?"

"You know me very well, Strand." Nancy grinned. "I am going to brag to Carlos about being a better partner."

"You wish!" TK fake scowled at her. "Can you bother about me that later?" He asked looking back at the captain's office.

"I can. If you tell me why your boyfriend meeting your father is bothering you." Nancy smiled at him softly.

"You really are nosy, aren't you?" TK pouted at her.

"That's because I love you. Both of you actually."

TK thought for a few minutes still looking at where he was looking before and then continued. "You know how fucked up my previous relationships were and how fucked up I was. All my boyfriends either never wanted to meet my father because of course I didn't matter to them, or worse when they had something to complain about me."

"Complain? Is Captain Strand the high school principal or what? That was really immature of them."

"I have always been like how you see me Nance. Besides my sobriety nothing has really changed. That is how I am. And they found that annoying. Like me being me was annoying. You know what I am saying?"

"I get it. And TK I am never going to say it again but you are not annoying. Maybe a brat sometimes, daddy's princess as well but we love you the way you are. And those two men there" Nancy pointed towards the captain's office "are the ones who love you the most. You have nothing to worry about."

"You didn't just call me daddy's princess Nance!!!"

"Ooops" Nancy stuck her tongue out at TK. They continued their bickering like they always do, throwing shades at each other. At one point of bickering, they noticed Carlos coming back from the captain's office.

"Hey babe." He kissed his paramedic boyfriend's cheek.

"You two saw each other like few minutes ago. Do you really need to greet him like you haven't seen him for days?" Nancy looked at them with judging eyes.

"Ignore her babe. She is just jealous." TK said without sparing Nancy a glance and Carlos chuckled. It is always entertaining seeing one his closest friend and his boyfriend being friends with each other, working beside each other, loving each other.

"I know him longer than you." Nancy grinned at TK waving both of her eyebrows mockingly.

"See babe. She is always shady. And when she can't win, she will bring up knowing you for longer period. Tell her to stop bothering me." TK looked at Nancy about to rip her face off.

"Tell your boyfriend to stop bothering me, Carlos."

Carlos couldn't help but smile. "I love both of you but you two are really annoying together. I feel bad for Michelle." TK and Nancy exchanged a glance hearing the cop. Their regular bickering and about to kill each other mode was turned off and turned on in to concern mode. Carlos didn't notice their looks and bid them goodbye leaving the firehouse saying "Don't kill each other on duty."

"You know he didn't mean you are annoying." Nancy said when Carlos was finally out of the firehouse.

"I know." TK said sadly. He still can't stop feeling anxious.

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