The mansion

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POV: You

Your car comes to a stop at the abandoned mansion you had been researching for a few days.

The Vafrous mansion, which belonged to the Vafrous family for many many decades, has been abandoned for about forty three years now.

Vafrous mansion is right near an empty beach, and the area is filled with fog most of the time.

Today is one of those times. As you step out of your car, you admire how the mansion still looks clean on the outside, the front of the mansion's white paint only has a few scratches and other marks on it, and the at least ten feet tall wooden doors were in mostly perfect condition.

You grab your phone from your pocket just as it now starts to rain, this won't be a problem unless the mansion has an incredibly bad mold problem. But the one and only website you found about the mansion didn't mention any mold.

Quickly running under the sheltered part of the doorway, you open the app you use to live stream your adventures in abandoned places and you start a live stream with the title "Explore Vafrous Mansion with me!".

You wait five minutes for people to join the live stream, the chat is flooded with greetings as 1,500 people watch you fix your clothes on camera and wave to the audience.

"Alright, let's get started then?" You say, opening the mansion's door.

"Welcome to Vafrous Mansion guys, I was excited to explore this place, since a lot of you wanted to know more about it" you step through the mansion's entryway, showing the viewers around the rundown place.

Thunder roars outside while you carefully step around the tile floored mansion, and you make sure to read the chat messages every once in a while, you notice the chat finds this place unsettling, many commenters start asking why you're always alone.

"You guys are always asking why I don't explore with friends, I would, but I really don't have any" You explain while frowning.

You yelp as part of the damp ceiling falls next to you, you point your phone's camera downward so the viewers can see.

"I guess somebody (a spirit) is unhappy that I'm here"

The chat fills with LOLs and you laugh along even if you feel like you're being watched.

You finally reach the stairs of the mansion, their mint paint is almost completely worn out and they look like they'll collapse even if just a feather lands on them.

But you're not one to worry about a collapsing staircase, so you hang onto the railing with one hand, (phone being held up in the other) and pull yourself up the stairs. The sound of the rain falling is much louder up here, and there's many more windows, most of which are shattered and spread all over the ground.

In the third bedroom you enter, there's a jade green aesthetic, and it's the most well kept room out of them all.

You show the viewers a red book sitting on the bedside table.

"Vafrous traveling? Does anyone know this book?"

The chat is filled with NOs.

"I'll read some of it then" you say, opening to a random page.

There's a lot of words in an alphabet you can't identify, but under a paragraph there's something in a language you don't know written in pen, so you try your best to pronounce the words.

"Ouvrez-vous, monde différent"

You scrunch your nose.

"What does that mean?"

You look at the chat for answers, but now it's filled with people asking where you went.

"Guys? I'm right here?"

The chat freaks out more, as if you weren't staring right into the camera.

You read a comment that says "I think the stream is glitching, they keep randomly appearing for me" so you think the wifi must be bad here, or it got knocked out because of the worsening storm outside.

You sigh, turning off the livestream and shoving your phone back into your pocket.

You decided to go home now, since the storm doesn't seem to be weakening, and you can't livestream anyway because of the internet connection.

Once outside, you stand, clearly annoyed under the front door's shelter. The rain is violently pouring and if you were to step out of the shelter you'd be completely soaked in under ten seconds.

But you have to get to your car, so you dash out of the shelter towards your small black car but you end up slipping on the road, and instead of the expected hard concrete slamming into your head, you fall underwater.

You scream underwater. You're 100000% confused and you don't know how to swim, but suddenly you've been thrown into water deep down away from the surface.

You desperately thrash around, trying to make it to the surface as your head begins to feel very light, but you don't make it, you end up succumbing to the lack of oxygen. 

illa illa ! Hanbin /B.i FFWhere stories live. Discover now