My world

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POV: ???

Running along the ocean is my favorite thing to do.

It's how I ended up here, after all.

I didn't think I'd find someone else here, ever, but my running was interrupted today by the body of someone washed up on the beach.

I slip two fingers onto their wrist, trying to feel for a pulse. Thankfully the person is still alive and breathing, an unexpected outcome.

I curse under my breath realizing I was standing close enough to the waves to get the bottom of my pants soaking wet with cold water. Usually I don't dare to touch the ocean out of fear it will bring me back home.

Nonetheless, I dragged the person up the beach until we reached the road I first wandered down. It seemed to go infinitely both ways but with so much spare time I was able to discover that I was in a full copy of the city of my childhood.

I left the person on the side of that road and went on with my evening. It was none of my business how they got here, or why they were here. Plus, I didn't want to leave this place. What if a new person meant I had to leave? This was a paradise to me, no stress, no responsibilities and complete freedom with the bonus of possible immortality. I want to avoid them at all costs. No matter how friendly they could seem, or how scared and confused they are (as I was). I can only hope that they take it upon themselves to figure out how to leave on their own. 

 I ran off into the city, continuing my usual path, counting each abandoned car and pointing out each landmark to myself out loud. I let my thoughts run free with my big bright smile on display for nobody but myself to see and feel. 

This is my true home. 

illa illa ! Hanbin /B.i FFWhere stories live. Discover now