Lost at sea

7 2 0

Pov: U again lol

The sky is pitch black. Not a single star is glimmering for you.

This is how your life always feels. Nothing, not even a star is there for you. Not even those thousands of subscribers, they aren't there for you, they're there for the places you explore. They don't watch your videos to see your face and hear your voice, they're there to see things they could never witness on their own 

But that's just how life is sometimes, right?

Pushing yourself off of the pavement, you shiver as a cold wind blows by you. You're soaking wet and covered in sand from head to toe and most of all, your head hurts more than it ever has before. That's a strong statement, since you had to sit through highschool.

Rubbing your arms for warmth, you begin dragging your feet toward one of the nearby buildings. It's completely silent here besides the crunching sound of your sand-y footsteps on the pavement.

Walking through the damp city, you search for another person or at least phone booth (ignoring the fact you haven't used physical money for a few months now). You could call the only family member you have left, your aunt, or you could call a car service and promise to pay them back later once you get a new card. 

You jump backwards and nearly fall onto your back thinking a car was about to slam into you,  someone had left their car on and in the middle of the road and the lights blasting through the dark night scared the soul out of you. You glance around at the buildings surrounding the car, concluding that nobody was inside of them even if the car was on because of the lack of lit-up windows. 

"I don't recognize this place..." you mumble to yourself, searching for your wallet inside of your back pocket. It isn't there, all you can feel is a pile of wet sand.

You swear under your breath, thinking someone must have robbed you while you were passed out on the side of the road. An unsurprising occurrence with your luck.  You fear that you won't be able to make it home or inside anywhere tonight, judging by the lack of both people and your cell phone (as well as your credit card). 

You see something move out of the corner of your eye about ten feet away from a turn, something you just missed because you were staring at the illuminated ground in self pity. You mutter a quick prayer that it was a good, helpful person instead of the usual kind of person running around cities late at night. You speed up into a full sprint, almost slipping as you turn the alleyway's corner into the next street.

There is, in fact, another person running up ahead. With all of your energy you push yourself forward. The figure looked back at you, their eyes widened greatly and they swiftly turned another corner you didn't even notice before. In the end the corner caused their downfall, as it enabled you to grab them by the corner of their navy blue suit jacket.

The two of you stumble onto the ground. The palm of your hand gets a small but painful cut across it, making you groan and shove the bloodied hand onto your own thigh. Even if you get injured exploring abandoned places often, the sight of your own blood makes you cringe.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" You ask, suddenly remembering your manners. After all, in a moment of desperateness to see another human being you just knocked some poor stranger down. 

The stranger pushes their top half off of the ground and looks at you. It's a twenty-something year old with dark hair, a big nose, and an awfully terrified look on his face. As if he

"N-no! No!- I mean- Yes! I'm fine, I have to go now..." The man stuttered, getting up off of his feet and trying to dash down the alleyway. Milliseconds later he was back on the ground, clutching onto his right leg with a pained facial expression. You run over to him (not a very long run, he didn't make it far at all) "I'm sorry! Do you have a phone? Should I call an ambulance?" you start to panic. 

The man breaks out into a laugh, he lets go of his leg and lays flat on the ground. His smile is contagious, so unique and flat out lovely but wait! His leg!

"Are you-"

"There's no ambulances here." he croaks, getting off of the ground and leaning against the alleyway wall. 

"What do you mean? Is it because of the time?"

"Just leave me alone, and I'll leave you alone, okay?" he sighs, limping away with a hand holding onto the wall. He turns one last time, looking directly into your eyes with his sad, dark brown eyes, "There's no cellphones here either, by the way". You stand and watch him gradually make his way down the alleyway until he turns a corner and disappears. 

He must be drunk, You think, the only reason you didn't question the phone comment was because he has to be drunk. You turn down another alleyway and accept the possibility that you have to find a moderately safe place in the outside world to sleep until it was daytime. You wander into the night searching for a bench, or a bus stop. Once you come across an empty bus stop with posters advertising a movie that came out three years ago, you frown realizing it's covered in raindrops because the bus stop had no roof, only boards for advertising. 

But then again, you're still damp from the ocean water and warmth didn't seem like something you could hope for at the moment. You carefully lift yourself onto the bench and lay down, staring up into the pitch black sky. 

That feeling of loneliness creeps up on you unexpectedly. You are usually able to repress it, because if you let the feeling of loneliness bother you too often, your channel would be in shambles.

And then you would be in even worse shambles. 

illa illa ! Hanbin /B.i FFWhere stories live. Discover now