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So most people know I have an older sister right?

And you know how most siblings are bitch asses but you love them cause you learn through their mistakes and they even help you sometimes and you help them

Well im fucking mad at my sister currently, you wanna know why?

It doesn't matter if you don't cause,im gonna tell you anyways

So we're(well me) right to help our dad cause we're getting rid of the large tree in the front of our house and it has bricks surrounding the soil and tree so we had to put the bricks somewhere else cause my dad is still gonna use them later?

So I'm kinda mad cause it's hot I'm wearing jeans and my sister isn't outside yet, that's fine cause she's going to the bathroom and putting on her outside shoes, the bricks are in a circle and I just kicked the top bricks off the bottom bricks and to where we could just grab them

My sister's outside now and I kicked off the the top bricks,so I'm not that upset anymore cause I thought she was gonna help me pick them all up and too the pile

Well first I hate touching bugs and that's an obvious fact about real life me and I was kicking a brick to the pile and she says "stop kicking the bricks and just pick them up"

And I just ignore this and picked up the bricks not wanting to make a big deal out of this, and my dad asked why my sister was talking to me in a loud voice and my sister says its cause she was kicking the bricks to the pile. Remember there are only a few bricks in the pile ([this will be important later in the story]me and my dad put them there)

So that was strike one now onto strike two

I noticed that my sister wasn't pulling her wait in carrying the bricks I had done most of the bricks and my dad says something about the trees he's cutting down and to put them in a pile in the front of the yard after we put the bricks in a pile and my sister hears this and goes to the pile of tree branches and starts taking making a pile of branches at the front of the yard

And leaves me too pick up the bricks and make a pile and we we're just on the top bricks at that time and I was pretty pissed off already by her comment and the heat outside

So I just finished the top pile of bricks and I asked my sister if she could get the bottom bricks cause I'm hot and tired and this bitch said "i can't cause I'm picking up the tree branches" I was pissed at this cause we couldn't even pick the branches up until we we're done with the bricks and she just picked the branches up

So I just said "but you didn't even pick up that much bricks"

Sister:"Yes I did"

Me:"No you didn't you have a small pile of bricks" *points to the bricks*

Sister:"I put some of them in your pile"(she infact did not put some of the bricks she picked up in my pile)

Me:"no you didn't"

now I was just pissed at this point and you could tell by my voice and my dad heard this conversation since he was near by and told us it doesn't matter just get it done

Third strike and your out

So the bottom bricks were hard to get out of the ground and I had to ask my dad for help to get the first 4 bricks out and he put them in my sister's pile(just an extra detail)

So I am pretty mad at this point and my sister is slacking fucking off and has only picked up a like 6 or 7 bricks and I've picked up most of the bricks with my skinny ass arms and I'm pretty weak

So we're on the last 5 bottom bricks and I told my sister to pick up two bricks meaning pick the bricks up at the same time and she picks one of them up and puts it in the pile and then does the same with the other brick and then fucking leaves inside the house and I have to do the other three bricks

So ya I'm pretty pissed

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