the man

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Just as your car pulled up to the set, a familiar man in a black T-Shirt and jeans almost immediately helped you out of the car and escorted you in.

"Hey, man," you side-hugged the bodyguard, leaning up as he was tall and well-built. In the years of dating Taylor, you'd grown close to him though it took you a while to get comfortable with him constantly following you for your safety. Nowadays you would hang out with him both on and off the job.

"Taylor said to tell you she's on break right now," he said as he opened the door for you.

"Alright, thanks," you looked behind you, "See you later." You were referring to, of course, yours and his monthly Friday-night-in movie marathon. It was your turn to pick again.

When you stepped inside, your eyes went to scan the room for Taylor. You didn't see her at first, so, assuming she's in her dressing room, you went to talk to the crew.

The set was impressive—you had no idea what the video is actually about. All you knew is the name of the song and that Taylor's been leaving very early and returning home pretty late the past few days. The set itself didn't give too much away, and made you even more confused as it was just a large tennis court.

"Y/N!" a voice called, and you looked behind you to see one of the crew members that you knew personally.

"You looking for Taylor?" Cate asked as you walked over to her.

"I was told she's on break. You know where she is?" you asked as you stuffed your hands in the pockets of your hoodie.

Instead of answering, Cate smiled knowingly. You confusedly smiled back. "No idea, she should be around here though," she said despite the weird smile on her face. "You can sit in her chair while you wait, if you want."

Only then had you noticed a chair overlooking the tennis court, reading DIRECTOR, and directly below it, TAYLOR SWIFT. Your eyes widened and your jaw went slack for a moment.

"My girlfriend's directing this?" you asked in disbelief. You also felt a sense of pride, looking at that chair and the text on it.

"Oh yeah, she's the main actor and the director," Cate said, smiling at your reaction. You delicately sat down in her chair, as if it was precious and prone to breaking down at any moment.

When Cate had to go away after a couple minutes of chatting, you pulled out your phone and went to scroll through social media until Taylor came back.

Taylor, on the other hand, was leaving the bathroom after a wrestling match with her pants and trying to figure out how to get comfortable with the muscle suit and fake hands. She spotted you across the room, and she was about to call out or launch herself at you, when she remembered her original plan she'd thought up this morning.

She was currently unrecognizable, under layers upon layers of makeup, as well as the other aesthetics that went into her face and body for this video. This morning, she asked the crew to play along, to pretend she wasn't dressed as a man. She knew you were fully expecting her to come out looking like herself, maybe with some sort of eccentric outfit or makeup look.

She smirked (though it probably looked a little creepy with all the makeup) to herself, knowing she was either about to scare you shitless and either sleep on the couch for a week or entertain you thoroughly.

You only looked up momentarily, and your eyes didn't even catch hers, before you were fully immersed in your phone again. You really didn't recognize her.

Taylor—or should I say, Tyler—approached the director chair as she internally debated how to go about this. Obviously, speaking would give it away, even if she tried to do a deeper voice. She didn't wanna creep you out too much either, as she wasn't too fond of the narrow couch she often fell off of in her sleep.

She was now directly behind you, and settled to do whatever was safest at the moment. She raised her fake hands and put them over your eyes.

You were startled a little by the touch, as the hands didn't feel like Taylor's, but you quickly brushed it off. "Taylor?" you beamed, getting no response. You took hold of the hands, slipped them off your eyes, and turned your body around in the chair.

Your eyebrows furrowed. You stared at the weird-looking man before you as your smile faltered. He, himself, seemed to be smiling, although you couldn't tell. He looked weirdly artificial.

"Do I know you?" you asked, smiling politely but still confused. He just stared.

Taylor wasn't sure what to do next—speaking would give it away, kissing would be too creepy (plus she can't even feel her own lips), and staying silent would be weird too.

Luckily, Cate jumped in to save the day, clearly holding back a laugh as the silence between you two was starting to get awkward. "This is Tyler, he's one of the actors." Her voice was quivering, and this only made you more confused.

"Okay, what is going on?" you asked, awkwardly looking between the strange man and your friend. That's when they both burst out in laughter, and the man's laugh surprised you. It was feminine, and it was a laugh you were very familiar with. Even the mannerisms.

Taylor, please save me.

Just as you thought this, the man's hand landed on your shoulder. "You actually don't recognize me?" he asked, struggling to get hair out of his face with the fake hands. What the fuck?

"Taylor?" you exclaimed. You've never been more confused in your life. He—she? it?—sounded and acted like Taylor, but looked completely different. Everyone around had apparently been listening in, because the entire room had burst into loud laughter.

"That's me," she said charmingly, though her face didn't convey any emotion under all the makeup.

You were at a loss for words. "I don't know if I should be grossed out or what," you said, and she laughed again. "Stop laughing! I have no idea what the fuck is going on!"

Taylor's laughter eventually died down to small chuckles. "I think you just fell in love with me even more," she joked, holding your hand in her own. It felt too cold to be her actual hand, and you kept being weirded out by it.

"Absolutely not," you snatched your hand from hers, "I would go as far as saying it's the opposite, actually." You were joking, of course. You were very conflicted at the moment, as you were kind of attracted to her, but also not.

"What, I don't look handsome?" she asked, striking a feminine pose, causing an aggressive eye-roll on your end. "Leave me alone, strange man," you said coldly, pushing her a little by the chest. You paused when you felt it, squishy but also unnaturally hard. You began to grope at her chest and arms, causing her to snort.

"You're enjoying this too much," she said, looking down at the hands squishing the muscle suit.

"Shut up. I'm just observing."

"I don't think observing includes physically groping me," she giggled, and it was a strange sound to come out of someone looking like that.

You stood up from the chair, apparently to get a better look at her. "Your outfit's weird," you stated simply, because it really was. She was wearing a funky-looking shirt and flowy white pants, and it looked especially strange with the fake body.

"Wearing my sweatshirt, doesn't like my outfit," she rolled her eyes playfully. "This was on my side of the closet!" you defended.

"Yeah, cause you never gave it back."

"I guess you're a nerd then. This is a Star Trek hoodie," you pointed out. You knew it wasn't yours, because you have no recollection of buying it.

"I love you too," she replied instead, leaning in to kiss you.

You stuck your hand out, holding her face away from yours. "I love you, but no thanks. Come back to me when you don't look this scary."

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