just a little backstory

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Y/n your name
M/n your mother name
F/n your father name
B/n your brother name
Btw y/ln your last name
You know the usual h/l is how long your hair is and h/c is what colour your hair is s/c skin color e/c eye color I might add more I don't know
Y/n is a 12 year old girl,y/n was the favorite child and the youngest she has an older brother named B/n he is 15 years old his friends are assholes to you but you don't mind the only nice one out of your brother's friend group is Oliver James, the group ages are around 15 but Oliver is turning 17 in 2 days,( I'm talking a lot about Oliver,I'm done talking about Oliver) you have h/l h/c hair and s/c with e/c eyes,you have a cat named Twilight she is a small black cat with light blue eyes, you live in Washington you go to school called Inglewood Middle School, you have four best friends Fatima she 12 year old she's Muslim she also has a pet Madeline she is 11 years old she does gymnastics she has light brown hair brown eyes she likes to wear this one blue sweater and then we have Alexis she's also 11 years old she has short black hair she likes Hello Kitty she has one cats named Church( the cat named Church in Pet Sematary btw) then we have Alinah she has brown hair and her bangs are red she is 12 years old she has two cats named Joey and another cat for some reason named baby( I just added myself in the story cuz I can't think of anybody else lol) she has anger issue and anxiety I'm pretty sure she has mother issues I don't know though, there's this one bitch named Ruby( sorry if your named Ruby or any other one that's y/n enemy:) ) and then there's another two named Emily and Ashley,Ruby a hoe and her father left her when she was 8 years old I bet he's really happy he doesn't have to raise a bitch like her and she has mother issues she also has a habit of smoking and drinking I bet her father's really disappointed anyways Ashley she has daddy issues and mother issues and she's the youngest of the family and like Ruby Ashley and Emily are the most fake fucking people like they're more fake than damn Barbie and that's no compliment and Emily is a fucking pick me she's so goddamn annoying she's always lying and always talking about how "she's part of the boys" like nobody wants her crusty dusty musty ugly ass like she's a hoe she also has STDs well that's the rumor people are talking about,

°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°♡°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°• this is the first time I ever wrote on Wattpad and writing so please don't hate and I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night I love you guys bye my children until next time♡♡

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