✨Part 2:The start of a beautiful love💛✨

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(This is the last part cause I will definitely not be making more parts to this💀,anyways- try to enjoy this please 😭)

Throughout the days, shrek just couldn't stop thinking about Shadow. He was just racing in Shrek's mind everywhere he went(get it,cause he's fast...hahahaha....alright I'm gonna stop 😭) and everyone started to notice it,even Fiona. One night Fiona even heard shrek say shadow's name in his sleep,many times. She was getting angry and restless and had to know who this "shadow" guy was and make shrek stop thinking about him.

"Shrek,what has been with you these past few days!? You don't concentrate well, you barely listen to me or anyone else, and I heard you say some guy's name in your sleep! What's wrong!?" Fiona yelled at him, some tears starting to form right in her eyes. Shrek knew this was coming, and sighed. "Look Fiona,I can't take this anymore! This life, the kids, the king and queen and the kingdom, all of them, even you! Every day I have to do all the hard work! Take care of the kids, get food, take their baths and wash the clothes, even clean the house! WHICH IS WHAT AN OGRE DOESNT DO! I'm tired of this life Fiona and I'm tired of you!" Shrek finally said his feelings out loud for the first time and he smiled in satisfaction. He then started to pack up his stuff and put them into suitcases.

"Where are you going!?" Fiona said as she tried to stop Shrek. Shrek then pushed her out of the way and looked at her. "I like Shadow! For these past days,he understood me then anyone else in this household! He's gentle, kind, and he keeps me happy! UNLIKE YOU!" Shrek yelled his words with all his might as he kicked open the door and walked out of the house with his suitcases. He then turned back around and slowly took off his ring, throwing it right at Fiona. "We're done Fiona! Go back to your Prince Charming!" Shrek turned back and walked away from the swamp and right into the forest. Fiona was on the floor crying,her sobs being heard throughout the whole swamp. Donkey then came in with a basket full of waffles. "I got the waffles!-" Fiona stood up immediately and yelled at Donkey. "NO ONE CARES ABOUT THE STUPID WAFFLES DONKEY! NO ONE!" She yelled with anger as she walked into the house and slammed the door. "So...I guess no waffles then..." Donkey walked away in sadness as he kept holding the waffles.

Shrek walked through the forest, looking around from left to right, making sure he wouldn't miss the black blur that would come in quickly every once in a while. He then felt the same quick gust of wind and smiled before turning around quickly to see shadow standing there with a smirk on his face. "So I see you actually did it, good boy~" Shadow went up to shrek and brought his face down to his level. "Now we can be together now~" He said as he licked his lips. Shrek was basically a blushing mess by now and nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah, now w-we can." Shrek then quickly closed his eyes and went for it, giving shadow a quick kiss on the lips. Shadow was taken aback by this but then his face turned into a smirk. "You just couldn't wait for me pumpkin.~" He said in a whisper as he slowly put their faces together and their lips danced with each other and both we're finally happy together.

But somewhere in the back of them, someone was hiding in the forest. They didn't like this at all and grew with more jealousy. They then quickly ran away,you could see a yellow blur through the leaves. Who was this mysterious person lurking on the two? Who knows?

(Why was I so invested in making this? 😭 I really hoped you enjoyed this,cause this made me tear up while making it- Anyways,good byeeeee!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2022 ⏰

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✨quick easy love✨ Shrek x Shadow(the one from sonic)Where stories live. Discover now