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When you lose a pet, you don't just lose them. You lose a family. You lose a piece of your heart. You lose a part of yourself. You lose those little fragments of happiness that they filled your life with. And everything in between.

Just last night, I arranged a tiny space in our home where Mosely can be remembered most. His ashes, picture frame, and medicine were all placed there. And the box, too---my favorite part. It contains his toys, blanket, and collars; all the things he loved in his lifetime.

Since he passed away, I visit this tiny space before sleep. I cry and grieve. I think about what would've happened if he was healthier. What would've happened if we took care of him better. But I know Mosely wouldn't like it if we live with regrets. So I try... I try to live the way he would want us to. To be pawsitive and happy---because doing so doesn't cost a single penny.

There will be times of sadness. Just like now as I write this tiny memoir about him. But there will be times of happiness, too. Times of nostalgia. Times of looking back and realizing how much he changed our lives for the better.

I shouldn't be sad. Because he's not really gone. As long as I remember him and the memories we've made together, he'll always be alive in my heart.

After all... Mosely made me believe in love. And for him I shall continue.

Mosley: A Mini BiographyWhere stories live. Discover now